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Responses: 6
SSG S1 Personnel Ncoic
As of 2015, the base salary for all rank-and-file members of the U.S. House and Senate is $174,000 per year plus benefits. Army CPT (O-3) makes 47,563 per year.

No Degree Required
Elected to serve public
No additional education given or required for job
Average of high 3yrs/retirement pay no greater than 80% of final pay (20 yr. min)
May be away from family for extended periods with direct and indirect options available
Responsible for representing the constituents
Commits ethical violation- removed from office, jail time if egregious enough, blemish on record
Fails to do job-(doesn't show up to vote)-no effect (fails at job)-gets voted out of office

Degree requried to advance
Volunteered to serve public
BOLC (Basic Officer Leadership Course), CCC (Captain's Career Course), AOC (Job Specific Training) all required for job
Average of high 3yrs/ retirement pay at 50% of final pay (20yr. min)
May be away from family for extended periods with little to no direct or indirect contact available
Responsible for their soldiers' lives and well being
Commits ethical violation- loss of pay, blemish on recoard, possible jail time and decrease of future employablility, possible loss of benefits, possible loss of rank.
Fails to do job- (doesn't show up)- charged with AWOL and hopefully nobody dies. (fails at job)- gets relieved, end of career, hopefully no one dies.

so if everyone thinks that congress is getting paid to much to do their jobs, then why don't we make congress earn what an Captain (O-3) would earn. their pay would be directly linked to the pay of the military. Their travel benefits and such would have to be filed just like ours. If our leaders in the civilian world are supposed to be equivalent to the Military leader then why aren't their pays equivalent?
SSG Battalion Motor Sergeant
SSG (Join to see)
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The military has Pride we serve not for the money but for our country. But today's economy every one has to have something so income and stuff getting expensive family of x amount of member it hard to sustain food etc if you have minimum income. Military is under paid period, I agree to this, the government. Need to take care of military (us) and the people in the society itself. I think everything up their is money driven!
SSG S1 Personnel Ncoic
SSG (Join to see)
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SSG (Join to see) - Members of Congress receive retirement and health benefits under the same plans available to other federal employees. They become vested after five years of full participation.
SSG S1 Personnel Ncoic
SSG (Join to see)
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my point on this wasn't even the pay difference, it is that as public servants and supposed supports of the military if they get the same pay and benefits that we do then perhaps we will have less issues with the VA and the ever decreasing benefits that we receive.
SSG S1 Personnel Ncoic
SSG (Join to see)
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PO1 (Servicemember) - I disagree with this, we are trying to attract the best and the brightest to serve in congress, in order to do so we have to pay them a fair and equitable wage. At the same time I think they need to understand they volunteered like us to serve the public and that they are giving up some things in order to serve that public.
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MSgt C Madd
Capt Brandon Charters Unfortunately there are not more doing the same.
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SFC Wade W.
I hope his blast effects some sort of reevaluation and change. The current plan encourages people to get out.
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