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Responses: 7
Maj Bruce Pawlak
The true test will be how long until Muslim extremists attack the congregation and/or destroy the church... and whether the Saudi Government will protect them or not... or whether the Saudi people will let their employees attend the church services or not.
Sgt Wayne Wood
Sgt Wayne Wood
6 y
Hmm... as a gauge, any reports of women being dragged from cars?
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PO3 Phyllis Maynard
I am keeping my eyes and ears open for further enlightening developments.
Sgt Wayne Wood
Sgt Wayne Wood
6 y
Ditto PO3 Phyllis Maynard ... miracles *CAN* happen
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MAJ James Woods
Saudi Arabia is getting it. The Vatican is getting it. Come on, Israel and Palestine. Time to accept co-existence.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
6 y
Sgt Wayne Wood - Yeah the Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs have not been spending all this time fighting over possession of the "Holy Land". Differences in religion and culture is not at all an issue with them finding ways to co-exist and occupy the same space without walls and fences.
I'm sure you'll say before the fall of Saddam Hussein and during the rise of ISIS, the Christians in Iraq were doing just fine. Like in Iraq, we're seeing in Saudi Arabia new leadership that is embracing co-existence between religious cultures.
Can't believe you can't even agree with the simple statement asking Israel and Palestine to find ways to integrate, co-exist, respect each other and share the land.
Sgt Wayne Wood
Sgt Wayne Wood
6 y
Show me where i stated that MAJ James Woods .

Do NOT presume to put words in my mouth.

Here’s one for you... liar!
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
6 y
Sgt Wayne Wood - Show me where my original comment was solely based on religion or Al Qaeda or ISIS. You're full of it, Wayne!
Spend less time injecting your BS that had nothing to do with my comment.
Maj Bruce Pawlak
Maj Bruce Pawlak
6 y
The Arab Christians are treated just like the Muslims are by the Israeli's... from the Israeli point of view (based on their treatment of Arab Christians) there doesn't appear to be a difference...
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