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Responses: 3
CPT Jack Durish
The "adversity score" is simply another expression of racism, the belief that some are inferior to others, and that they need "help".
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
6 y
I disagree slightly. Some in High School are a grade to advanced because their Parents did not want to make the painful decision to hold them back. So their grades suck at every level because they began before their brain was fully developed. You can fix that via remedial education after High School and bring them up to the same level again. We are only talking a 6 month to 1 year delay between High School Graduation and starting of college here. I agree with what your saying that everyone should be treated equally like with the ASVAB (same deal there.....low score, you can retake high school level courses via BSEP to boost your score). Repeated failures at remedial education means you need to dig deeper and find out whatever else could be the problem. Bottom line is that college is not for everyone and the goverment shouldn't be lowering admission standards to make it that way. Keep admission standards where they are but allow the student a path to fix a low SAT Score.
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SPC Erich Guenther
Skewing or tainting what should be otherwise objective aptitude test results is a piss poor way to solve any problem. They should take the same approach the DoD took with the ASVAB, if you want to improve your score you take the remedial high school courses that your weak in (formerly known as BSEP in the Army) and retake the test. Otherwise your punishing those that worked in those prerequiste courses to get good grades to score high on the SAT in the first place and allowing a group of people to skate by with excuses past the folks that did what they were expected to do. It's a cheat put in place for bad students. And what are we really talking about here to significantly boost a low SAT Score? Less than a semester of remedial HS courses. We are not talking about repeating High School altogether. So make the folks with the low SAT Scores repeat the high school courses they were weak in.
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PO1 John Johnson
Edited 6 y ago
Why wouldn't you want the best and the brightest, as indicated by their GPA's and test scores. If I ran a University or College, I want the best students in class, no matter what their color, race, ethnicity, socio-economic backgrounds, etc. are, rather than trying to plow under and destroy a playing field already leveled by academic achievement. What a slap in the face to students who have risen above mediocrity.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
6 y
It is not always the students fault which you presume. Sometimes it is the fault of the Parents who when they should have held the kid back a grade........decided it would be too traumatic to do so. My Brother had a kid that did poorly in grade school by 8th grade (still 2.0 and less than 2.0 GPA), he and his wife decided they had enough. The kid was held back a year and walla 3.5 to 4.0 GPA's after that. Not all Parents do that an so I agree with allowing a remedial path to boost the ASVAB (which is in place) along with a remedial path to boost the SAT (which they need to have). Also, holding a kid back a grade is kind of a kick in the pants to the kid to start to study as well as an early warning to them......nothing wrong with that and I would not consider it child abuse. As long as the kid is not teased or bullied about it.
PO1 John Johnson
PO1 John Johnson
6 y
SSgt Joseph Baptist - I covered that with "academic achievement" which includes good grades, test scores, work through the rough patches, etc.
PO1 John Johnson
PO1 John Johnson
6 y
SPC Erich Guenther - I didn't blame the student anywhere in my post. That's your presumption, not mine.
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