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Responses: 3
PO3 Steven Sherrill
@PO1 William "Chip" Nagel this is why we need closed systems for elections. No network, no hacking. Voter databases should be stored on secured servers, updated manually at the server, or via a closed network with no WAN access. For the elections themselves the precinct database should be loaded to a laptop/tablet with no network access. The voting machines should not be connected to a network either. The machines should compile their data, and store it. Once the polls close, the machines, the paper ballots, and other materials should be taken to the secretary of state's office for processing.
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MAJ James Woods
Thanks. Very interesting and most concerning. Wish GOP and Trump critics get it through their heads that the issue of Russian or any foreign interference into our election process is a bigger issue than Trump being president. Especially if there are Americans voluntarily or naively colluding with foreign operatives.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
>1 y
The GOP is not trying to derail the effort to investigate the possible interference into our election, rather, they are trying to point out there is nothing tying it to the Trump admin at this time. Very few if any are trying to avoid this discussion/investigation. So, to be fair, let's point some criticism back the other way while we're at it. I wish the DNC and their leadership would get it through their heads that the issue of trying to tie a President to colluding with a foreign power to win an election (without proof) is a bigger deal (and dangerous) than their need to score political points with their base.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin - Good to see you again. Always a pleasure debating with you. Lets not forget the reports that senior members of Congress were briefed by intelligence community last year and individuals like McConnell dismissed it and dismissed requests for bipartisan investigations; then continued other GOP narratives.
As to your point about a President colluding with a foreign power, shall I remind you the investigation isn't targeting Trump, it's targeting the methods of interference by foreign operatives and if other American citizens willingly or unknowingly colluded. I wish Republican critics stop with the "Trump didn't colluded" since the allegations never said he did.
But do answer this, don't you think the allegations of foreign interference into our election process is more of an issue than any criticism of Trump as president? That was the point of my earlier statement.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
>1 y
I recall the GOP talking about voter fraud and interference in general, which the DNC refuted adamantly. It doesn't matter whether there's a foreign interference and/or American... Neither is good if it not strictly the legal voters of this country.

As for Trump, I agree, the investigation isn't targeting Trump. But you wouldn't know that if you talk to most of the prominent Democrats who are pushing that rhetoric. The only reason the RNC and Trump have to say anything is because if it's allowed to go unanswered, it will become reality to more Americans, which affects their ability to run this country.

Yes interference, foreign or not, is a big deal and it should be investigated. It should also be taken out of the spotlight all together where our law enforcement personnel can investigate without the drama. Because all we have right now is evidence of "attempts" to affect the election and then just a bunch of speculation. But let me also point out that suggesting, implying, or outright accusing (without evidence) our President and/or the key members in the President's administration are colluding with a foreign power (especially a superpower like the Russians), is a huge deal as well. It affects the American's confidence in their government. This is mostly driven on a hatred for Trump and like him or not, this is dangerous for our country (I also think it's playing into the Russian's objectives to build more divisiveness and apathy toward our government). If you do not see the Info Op campaign that's being employed here against the American people, you're not paying attention. I'm not a Trump fan... I've told you this many times. My interest here is the integrity of the office of the President. If we continue to fall prey to this kind of political rhetoric and the "what about when they did this" child play, our country will reach a breaking point which will not favor either side.

The RNC needs to back off on the "defend the Trump Admin from the Russia allegations" just as much as the DNC and media needs to back off on the speculation and false accusations which have no evidence. This should hopefully encourage Trump to move on with his Twitter feed. Specifically to a place where I'm sure he will post plenty more controversial things the DNC can capitalize on. In the meantime, let the FBI do their job and bring back the tried and true statement "no comment," until the investigation is completed. While we're at it, let's also root out those who choose to illegally release incomplete, inaccurate, and out of context information to the media (another HUGE deal).
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
GOP talked voter fraud. Dems talked voter suppression. Foreign interference was never a major headline during the campaigning and when mentioned during a debate, it was Clinton and Dems that mentioned it and GOP refuted it.
Actually, its Conservatives pushing the Trump is unfairly being targeted in the investigation, not Dems. I could make the statement that there was collusion between Americans and foreign operatives and the immediate defense is about Trump.
We're still waiting for Trump admin to apologize for the outright accusation against Obama for wiretapping Trump Tower and surveillance of Trump without evidence. Trump's actions, tweets, and comments is damaging the integrity of the office without any real help from anyone else.
Easy to say "let the FBI do their job" while many in GOP supported the firing of the FBI director leading the investigation.
Conservatives have been embracing incomplete, inaccurate, out of context reporting from media for 8 years as well as embracing any leaks against previous administration.
I hate the hypocrisy of both political parties and their loyal "party over nation" supporters.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Thanks for sharing the news.
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