Posted on May 23, 2023
Republican witness faces questions over whether he lied under oath to key panel
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 1
I heard the testimony of this whistleblower. When they found out that he ratted against the corrupt Biden government, they told him he had to transfer to a different part of the East Coast. His stuff was put in storage and when he got to his new Duty station, they immediately fired him and his stuff was Kept For A long time. The reason he got the handout was because the FBI was Blue Falcon him for being a whistleblower. So this is really mean if the Democrat calls him a president Trump prop when he's coming forward and destroying his career and losing his pension trying to do the right thing. All I've been listening to lately is that this corrupt government deep state is making examples out of people so they don't come forward and don't expose the corrupt deep State that's been happening for a long time. This is a sad state of today's Affairs but President Biden and his corrupt family get away with everything.
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