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CPL LaForest Gray

* Male & Female white nationalist/neo-nazi/klan klown kooky outfit has changed “openly” in the public eye, into : “Business Casual” attire.

Still the same immature underdeveloped sick-pathetic ideology.

“A young girl in robes drinks a Coca-Cola while she and her mother watch a Ku Klux Klan rally.”

Location unspecified. August 1925.
Library of Congress

SOURCE : https://allthatsinteresting.com/ku-klux-klan-youth#3

1.) Moms for Liberty responds to Southern Poverty Law Center's study on 'hate and extremist' groups

Updated: 8:36 PM EDT Jun 8, 2023

Moms for Liberty was founded locally in Brevard County but has gone national with their conservative messages about public schooling, especially LGBTQ+ and race issues.

This week, the group was included in a study on "hate and extremist" groups by civil rights watchdog, the Southern Poverty Law Center.

“It’s quite remarkable because you look at the list, and I think the first guy on there is Nazi holding up Nazi flags giving a heil Hitler sign,” said Moms for Liberty co-founder Tina Descovich.

SPLC is also concerned by where Moms for Liberty has been able to take its messages and ideas, as their reach now is well beyond its start in Brevard County.

“Unfortunately, groups like Moms for Liberty have really leveraged their ties with politicians, with big media names, with extremist groups.

So they’re usually the loudest voices in the room,” Carey said.

And they’ll have quite a big room at the end of the month in Philadelphia when they hold a national summit with former President Donald Trump, Gov. Ron DeSantis and other Republican presidential hopefuls listed as speakers.

SOURCE : https://www.wesh.com/amp/article/florida-moms-for-liberty-splc-study/44133287

2.) Florida-based Moms for Liberty labeled extremist group. 8 things to know about organization

2a.) Where did Moms for Liberty start?
Moms for Liberty is based in Melbourne, located in Brevard County on Florida's East Coast. The group was incorporated Jan. 1, 2021. It has grown rapidly over the last two years and currently claims more than 115,000 members and 280 chapters in almost every state, including 32 of Florida's 67 counties.

2b.) GOP and the Moms for Liberty
Moms for Liberty has the ear of the Republican establishment. DeSantis has championed their efforts to restrict teaching about critical race theory in schools and universities. Critics in Florida slam the group for turning schools into a political battlefield. 

2c.) Moms for Liberty endorsement of conservative candidates
DeSantis and Moms for Liberty often partnered in endorsing conservative school board candidates during the 2022 election.
The group endorsed more than 270 candidates nationwide in 2022 whose messages were similar: school closures during COVID were overwrought and destructive; critical race theory is itself racist; boys and girls are different and should not share the same locker rooms and restrooms; and there's too much focus on a pro-LGBTQ agenda, according to Newsweek.

2d.) Who are the founders of Moms for Liberty? 
A trio of Florida school board members founded Moms for Liberty. They are: former Brevard County School Board member Tina Descovich, former Indian River County School Board member Tiffany Justice and Sarasota County School Board member Bridget Ziegler.  Ziegler left the group by late 2021 to focus on other commitments.

2e.) What is the mission of Moms for Liberty?
The group describes its mission on its website as people "dedicated to fighting for the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government."

2f.) Why did SPLC label Moms for Liberty as an extremist group?

After Trump's election loss, activists made a concerted effort to organize in local arenas, SPLC said, Moms for Liberty was at the forefront of this mobilization.

"They can be spotted at school board meetings across the country wearing shirts and carrying signs that declare, 'We do NOT CO-PARENT with the GOVERNMENT.' The group hijacks meetings, preventing officials and parents from conducting their normal proceedings.

"Moms for Liberty activities make it clear that the group’s primary goals are to fuel right-wing hysteria and to make the world a less comfortable or safe place for certain students — primarily those who are Black, LGBTQ or who come from LGBTQ families," the Southern Poverty Law Center said. 

Far-right activists also circulate lists of books they find objectionable on social media, spurring others to petition local school boards and libraries to ban books, SPLC added. 

2g.) What is Moms for Liberty? Here's a look at its roots, its philosophy and its mission

SOURCE : https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/state/2023/06/07/moms-for-liberty-who-are-they-why-they-labeled-extremist-group-florida-based-chapters/ [login to see] 7/

* 2H -

Who is funding Moms for Liberty?

As a 501(c)(4) social-welfare nonprofit, Moms for Liberty does not have to disclose its donors. Moms for Liberty leaders dismiss speculation that big conservative donors are funding the group, even as the organization paid former Fox News host Megyn Kelly to appear at an event.

Descovich said the group has an annual budget of $300,000. Based on campaign finance information and a Moms for Liberty Facebook post, a number of Republican leaders have contributed to the organization by sponsoring the Kelly event.

SOURCE : https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/2021/12/08/moms-liberty-florida-chapters-members-details/ [login to see] /

3.) An ominous Hitler quote highlights Moms For Liberty's extremism

An Indiana chapter of the extremist Moms for Liberty apologized after quoting the Nazi leader in one of its recent newsletters.

June 24, 2023, 7:39 AM EDT
By Ja'han Jones

Moms for Liberty, the shadowy right-wing group whose members fashion themselves as fierce "Mama bear" types, is yet again facing controversy over extremist ideology in its ranks. 

An Indiana chapter of the organization issued an apology on Thursday after a recent newsletter it sent to its members included a quote attributed to Adolf Hitler.

“But the story won't be swept under the rug that easily. It's easy to see why some people might believe Moms for Liberty holds a favorable view of Hitler and his oppressive regime, despite this chapter's apology. Its members have sought to have the government ban classroom discussions they don’t like — discussions focused on discrimination and historic oppression.

It’s an agenda focused on indoctrinating children that does, in fact, echo some efforts imposed by Hitler and his allies.
And Moms for Liberty has built a reputation of its own as a far-right extremist group. 

It has been identified as an extremist group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. And Vice News published a report earlier this week detailing the group’s close ties to the extremist Proud Boys organization, members of which have been convicted of seditious conspiracy for their role in the Jan. 6 Capitol attack.

Those ties came into focus after a right-wing activist with ties to Moms for Liberty successfully petitioned a Florida school to restrict access to a book containing a poem written by Black author Amanda Gorman, which she read at President Joe Biden’s inauguration.”

SOURCE : https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/shows/reidout/blog/rcna90844
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