Posted on Jun 24, 2022
Republican lawmakers asked the White House for pardons before and after Jan. 6
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
You get a pardon! And you get a pardon! Everyone gets a pardon!! Except for the ones who voted to impeach me or said anything I didn't like!!
Presidents of both parties pardon people that shouldn't be.
Bill Clinton commuted the sentence of a female terrorist whose group attacked Washington D.C.
She is also affiliated with the Black Lying Marxists. [login to see]
Bill Clinton commuted the sentence of a female terrorist whose group attacked Washington D.C.
She is also affiliated with the Black Lying Marxists. [login to see]
Fact Check: Did a Black Lives Matter leader bomb the U.S. Capitol in 1983?
As the trial of former President Donald Trump proceeds, some Republicans are eager to highlight left-wing violence, including a 1983 bombing of the Capitol building by a woman whom right-wing allies are saying is now a leader of a Black Lives Matter organization.
LTC (Join to see)
Timeline of the July 15 coup attempt: Turkey's longest night
Friday, July 15, 2016… That night a group within the army close to the Gülen Organization attempted a coup. Tanks were on the roads and at the bridges. The c...
[~1925718:CPT you must be the same type of people that still believe the steel dossier? President Trump may have overreacted but I wouldn't be surprised that other Democrats will also serve jail time because of Crossfire hurricane and hacking into president Trump's personal business. Did you know that with Crossfire hurricane, President Obama vice president biden, National Security advisor Jacob Sullivan and others knew exactly what was being said on transcripts as President elect Trump was coming to visit the White House the Obama Administration was already backstabbing him with the illegal fisa warrants. Even though Hillary Clinton's attorney Sussman was found not guilty by a jury his own friendly Democrats, the testimony came out that Hillary Clinton knew and approved of this false allegation and propaganda operation. Once the houses of Congress flip republican, you will see more of this. By the way, this is the worst cool I ever seen. Here is a real coup attempt with tanks, armor Personnel carriers, helicopter gunships, Parliament being bombed as well as a couple communication facilities. The Rogue elements of the Turkish military took over a TV station and made their demands known to the world. I will read the January 6th executive summary but I'm not going to waste my freaking time watching a kangaroo court ask questions or make statements and they can't be cross-examined. People are saying that Republicans are a threat to democracy. Maybe some of them are but not all of them. But look what Democrats have been trying to do but thankfully senator Joe manchin save democracy because he prevented Democrats from consolidating Power by getting rid of the filibuster. Senator Joe manchin prevented the build back better part 2. This would have allowed for even more inflation and would have Fast Track 10 million illegal aliens that have already been in the USA for a long time with no criminal records be fast-tracked to be American citizens by 2024 stacking the election in the favor of Democrats, again! Democrats are a threat to society because they were going to pass a voting rights law that would have allowed anybody to vote without identification. That would have meant anybody could vote and taking the states ability to enforce voting laws and Consolidated at the federal government thereby prohibiting any chance of making it fair and transparent. Fox Business Economist Larry Kudlow said that Joe manchin saved society as we know it. I agree with that assessment. So if you're talkin about overthrow why a bunch of goons that or disorganized, had no real weapons and had no military unit Beauty with them, just think of how some Democrats safe Society like Joe mansion. While others would have changed it as we know it and made the Democratic Party pretty much the dominant party and would have brought our country down the rabbit hole of socialism and lack of transparency. What's really sad is Democrats used to allow for differing opinions. Now the modern left is Democrats considered anybody who disagrees with them to be hate speech and subject to censorship. Look how the candidate last year for f c c chairmanship believe that Fox News was considered misinformation she wanted to put Fox News off the air. This is something that president erdogan or President Vladimir Putin would do by shutting down all opposition newspapers and TV stations. Republicans aren't perfect but this is not the Democratic party that I voted for in 1996. President Clinton at Joe manchin think similarly and they both believe in lowering taxes allowing freedom of speech and having a good economic policies. Not this woke stupid non-economic, non-financial, non-commonsense approach that President White is doing today and he's running our country into the ground. Improvements have to be made and that will only come after the midterm election in November and Democrats will finally wake up and see that they have to compromise with Republicans. They will also find out that many minority voters don't vote lockstep with Democrats especially if they do with a crappy job.
SrA John Monette
The difference being the orange boy issued pardons, and was asked for pardons, before any criminal charges were brought.
LTC (Join to see)
SrA John Monette yes, that doesn't work but orange boy reminded America that America is first while this President kisses ass to everybody but our own people. He doesn't want the pump oil from our own land even though it's the cleanest extraction method known yet he prefers to buy oil from countries like Venezuela they have a horrible environmental record and insult to injury, you have to ship the oil by supertanker and the oil is just as dirty as the oil field Canada which bacon mcwraps refused to buy. Horace Mann movement is picking up steam. Why would you want to buy oil from Iran? The Joe Biden Administration ruins everything it touches and our enemies laugh at us and make money at the same time.
LTC (Join to see)
Damn voice text the orange man who is changing Society for the better not Horace Mann.
Horace Mann
Horace Mann
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