Posted on Jan 10, 2023
Republican delivers brutal reality check to her own party on abortion
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 5
Abortion is "bad"...unless mistresses of Republicans get pregnant from extramarital affair.
A Republican theme on abortions: 'It's OK for me, evil for thee'
An illustrious list of Republican men are publicly anti-choice, but privately have supported women in their lives having abortions
This is what Republicans are trying to stop - people aborting tissue. That is what a pregnancy looks like in the first trimester. That's what is aborted in the first trimester.
Later in pregnancy abortions aren't common and only done when the life of the pregnant person is in danger and/or the fetus is no longer viable. Later in pregnancy abortions are wanted pregnancies and very traumatic for the person who was carrying that pregnancy.
This is what Republicans are trying to stop - people aborting tissue. That is what a pregnancy looks like in the first trimester. That's what is aborted in the first trimester.
Later in pregnancy abortions aren't common and only done when the life of the pregnant person is in danger and/or the fetus is no longer viable. Later in pregnancy abortions are wanted pregnancies and very traumatic for the person who was carrying that pregnancy.
What a pregnancy actually looks like before 10 weeks – in pictures
In 13 US states, abortion is banned even in the earliest stages of pregnancy. But we rarely see what such tissue really looks like
I don't understand how a dead cell found in outer space can be considered life, and a heartbeat inside a mother is not!!!/:0(
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
There's no heartbeat at six weeks gestation which is when a lot of these bills want to ban abortion. Also see my post above at what a pregnancy looks like in the first trimester. It's tissue.
We also declare someone dead when they are brain dead - not when they're heart stops beating. You can't procure organs from a donor until they are brain dead.
We also declare someone dead when they are brain dead - not when they're heart stops beating. You can't procure organs from a donor until they are brain dead.
SGT Mark Hasch
It does not mean that a moral civilization should harvest cells from the embryo for any reason as even those cells are, in fact, alive!!! It does not take an individual with a PhD. to know this, but a closed mind indavidual will!!! If you have not ever read(and understood) the B.I.B.L.E. you would know this, but if you are a stubborn person who refuses to open your mind to a higher understanding, you would agree that there is no excuse to eliminate any possible chance of life!!! If I am wrong with your understanding please tell me and I will humbly apologize with my statement, but I refuse to ever take a chance on a human life, no matter what race, color, or religion they may be!!!!!!!
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