Posted on Dec 9, 2016
Reno officer's shooting of knife-wielding teen sparks debate
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
A tragic event that will no doubt trouble and haunt many for years to come. Unfortunately an armed teen was threatening other students and would not obey the officers commands to disarm. IMO, the officer had no choice.
LTC (Join to see)
Activist critical of police undergoes use of force scenarios
We've seen protests all across the country after police officers have been accused of shooting people who aren't armed. Jarrett Maupin, a vocal critic of pol...
PO1 Chris V. - more people need to go through this kind of training before they quarterback from their arm chair.
Ok...i may offend some people but that kid is Lucky to be alive. So I want to address the news article its self:
1) His Attorney David Houston is an Ambulance Chaser and is full of SHIT "It was clear that the child was not being aggressive, but rather was trying to keep people away from him. He was not attempting to hurt people,” = Swinging a knife is Aggressive! Using it in a Fight is Aggressive
2) This Father has watched too much liberal news and TV shows. - There are alternatives. Mace, for one, pepper spray,” said Demick LaFlamme, whose son is friends with the teen. LaFlamme was worried about the dozens of other kids standing nearby. “They should actually be writing formal apologies to every single student’s parents there for putting all their children in danger,” LaFlamme said. = Non Lethal or Less than Lethal weapons are not something that can drop someone instantly....under Best conditions Is suggested weapon PEPPER SPAY take 6 Seconds to start working..It can be fought if a person with a knife that has been pepper sprayed is still a danger.
3) In LE we have whats called the 21 foot rule...which means that if the person armed with a knife is less than 21`feet from you yo can be cut or killed. Thus the saying its stupid to bring a knife to a gun fight is really only true if you are more than 21 feet way.
4) The Media saying the Officer needs to answers more questions about the shooting is asinine. This kid drew the knives (and by the looks of it a large one) and lunged at anyone nearby...The officer was correct..the school district is correct in supporting the officer....if anyone needs to apologize its the Media and the Kids parents.
5) The Schools active incident response worked...
1) His Attorney David Houston is an Ambulance Chaser and is full of SHIT "It was clear that the child was not being aggressive, but rather was trying to keep people away from him. He was not attempting to hurt people,” = Swinging a knife is Aggressive! Using it in a Fight is Aggressive
2) This Father has watched too much liberal news and TV shows. - There are alternatives. Mace, for one, pepper spray,” said Demick LaFlamme, whose son is friends with the teen. LaFlamme was worried about the dozens of other kids standing nearby. “They should actually be writing formal apologies to every single student’s parents there for putting all their children in danger,” LaFlamme said. = Non Lethal or Less than Lethal weapons are not something that can drop someone instantly....under Best conditions Is suggested weapon PEPPER SPAY take 6 Seconds to start working..It can be fought if a person with a knife that has been pepper sprayed is still a danger.
3) In LE we have whats called the 21 foot rule...which means that if the person armed with a knife is less than 21`feet from you yo can be cut or killed. Thus the saying its stupid to bring a knife to a gun fight is really only true if you are more than 21 feet way.
4) The Media saying the Officer needs to answers more questions about the shooting is asinine. This kid drew the knives (and by the looks of it a large one) and lunged at anyone nearby...The officer was correct..the school district is correct in supporting the officer....if anyone needs to apologize its the Media and the Kids parents.
5) The Schools active incident response worked...
PO1 Tim Grace
SSG (Join to see) - That doesn't surprise me. That's one of the reasons training is important. Eventually we'll develop the response required so we don't have to think about what to do. Run the drill 100 times, and my bet is that the private will get his sidearm unholstered before you "cut" him.
SSG (Join to see)
PO1 Tim Grace - there in lies the problem...if I run it 100 time straight the private might get it upholstered. The private might even get a round off but they will still get "cut". And this is great if I'm training a gun fighter but I'm not. What happens when I am just a distraught citizen looking for my child and I run up with a cellphone because I just dialed 911. Do they draw and shot me?
Gun shots are not always fatal, thus we teach controlled pairs and to "create" distance.. Studies have shown Americans are more afraid to be cut than shot. If we know we are walking into an incident the sidearm should already be drawn. But the second fort hood shooting proves Soldiers don't always do what's in training or may not have time. (As soon as arriving in the area the MP should have drawn Their M4, she did not but that's for another time). I can not approach every situation having escalated to deadly force if I do or I teach MP or Police Officers to do that I am justifying BLMs fears and opening up law suits by the droves.
Gun shots are not always fatal, thus we teach controlled pairs and to "create" distance.. Studies have shown Americans are more afraid to be cut than shot. If we know we are walking into an incident the sidearm should already be drawn. But the second fort hood shooting proves Soldiers don't always do what's in training or may not have time. (As soon as arriving in the area the MP should have drawn Their M4, she did not but that's for another time). I can not approach every situation having escalated to deadly force if I do or I teach MP or Police Officers to do that I am justifying BLMs fears and opening up law suits by the droves.
PO1 Tim Grace
SSG (Join to see) - It didn't dawn on me until I read your latest. If the kid had a firearm, there would be no crowd gathered around. With his knives, there was a crowd circled about. I would have been reluctant to pull the trigger due to the bystanders ("be sure of your target and what is beyond it").
Arriving into a deadly force situation, common sense tells me to be prepared. If it means preparing the weapon (round chambered, safeties off, low ready), that is exactly what I am going to do. If it is into a situation that could escalate, I'd want to be as prepared as I could be without "endangering the public." You are the expert - at least more expert than I am. My training is how a situation impacts me and my family as a private citizen only, not as a first responder.
As to the less than lethal responses - to me, those options only serve to buy a perpetrator more time. It is one more thing for the responder to think about prior to engaging. If the acronym-ed organizations had their way, every cop would be so loaded down with LTL options, they wouldn't be able to move. Pepper spray, Mace, tear gas, tasers, bean bag rounds and golden lassos should be employed first because "little Johnny didn't mean to cut 57 people, he was just having a bad hair day". I say nope, shoot 'em. Is little Johnny armed? Is he obeying commands to drop the weapon?
Criminals know cops carry guns. It's been that way their entire life. They should know that aggressively swinging knives with intent to harm may win them a few grains of lead awarded at high speed.
BML is a new one to me. Is that Big Mouth Lawyer (or Liberal)?
Arriving into a deadly force situation, common sense tells me to be prepared. If it means preparing the weapon (round chambered, safeties off, low ready), that is exactly what I am going to do. If it is into a situation that could escalate, I'd want to be as prepared as I could be without "endangering the public." You are the expert - at least more expert than I am. My training is how a situation impacts me and my family as a private citizen only, not as a first responder.
As to the less than lethal responses - to me, those options only serve to buy a perpetrator more time. It is one more thing for the responder to think about prior to engaging. If the acronym-ed organizations had their way, every cop would be so loaded down with LTL options, they wouldn't be able to move. Pepper spray, Mace, tear gas, tasers, bean bag rounds and golden lassos should be employed first because "little Johnny didn't mean to cut 57 people, he was just having a bad hair day". I say nope, shoot 'em. Is little Johnny armed? Is he obeying commands to drop the weapon?
Criminals know cops carry guns. It's been that way their entire life. They should know that aggressively swinging knives with intent to harm may win them a few grains of lead awarded at high speed.
BML is a new one to me. Is that Big Mouth Lawyer (or Liberal)?
SSG (Join to see)
PO1 Tim Grace - BLM is Black Liars Matter. Since the kid was white they will not care. But if he had been black Reno would be burning right now.. but you have hit the nail on the head. Police can not go around like armed juggernauts Maybe if we had a phaser or Judge Dredd's gun it would be easier but the public does not want police looking like Combat Soldiers.
The cop was right. He was a danger to others. He didn't listen to the cop and still behaved in a threatening manner.
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