Posted on Aug 14, 2018
Religious Website Triggers Complaint Against Air Force General
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 17
Unless there is proof he attempted to force participation or held non participation against others this one will likely go nowhere. Having a website that allows him to practice his faith is not against any law, civilian or military. He has the freedom to express his faith as other have the freedom not to practice.
Maj John Bell
Cpl Jeff N. - Certainly nothing there in the article. The fact that Mikey Weinstein is involved leads me to belive this is a non-issue going nowhere. Does any one have a theory as to why Mr. Weinstein appears to go after the Air Force hardest?
PO1 (Join to see)
Cpl Jeff N. - I agree with you, and that is really where I was going with it. They need to investigate the complaint and close it because it seems to be meritless (at least to me).
If the website is private (I.e. not a Government provided venue), and if the General is extending an OPEN invitation to all who visit the site, then this amounts to another case anti-Christian bigotry...a clear attempt to use a misinterpretation of the US Constitution to persecute a man of faith.
LTC John Wilson
Really, Capt Gregory Prickett? I find it interesting that you've not provided a solitary shred of evidence to prove otherwise. I suppose we should all just now to your eminent authority on such matters simply because you bothered to post a contrary opinion?
Here they go again. It's all in the preposition, "of" or "from". Funny thing is that neither appears in the Bill of Rights. The general has as much right to his religious beliefs as everyone else has to theirs. I see nothing in the complaint as stated in this report that he was attempting to impose his beliefs on anyone in his command. However, belligerent atheists aren't willing to stop there, are they? They often seem to me to be prosletyzing with all the fervor of Seventh Day Adventists
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