Posted on Mar 11, 2021
Record number of unaccompanied migrant children held in facilities meant for adults
Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 10
Heck, I might as well stay on this. Just to let you all know, we need these kids!! Why???? How about that little thing called social security. We all know the GOP hates social security, but how many of you want to be without it?? Thought so. We need these immigrants to fill out job market. Here is just one fact for you; America is short 1 million workers. Why?? Because right about 300,000 baby boomers are retiring every month right now and the birth rate is not cutting it. Anyway, I'm one of them boomers. I would sure like to see SS and my military retirement checks keep coming. So since we can't afford to wait 25 years for us to have enough kids to make up the shortage, best thing is to get in grown people or nearly grown people who can take up the slack. So, deal with it. The GOP caused the mess bringing them here and the Dems will have to fix it; like all of the other problems you left us. But the bottom line is--WE NEED THESE WORKERS.
Trump and the GOP could of changed the law that let them come. But then who would the right be able to focus their hate upon?? Remember, Trump said that there was an illegal hiding behind every tree. True Fact.
And who wrote and passed the law causing this mess???? Hint, it wasn't the democrats.
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