Posted on Jun 17, 2016
Rapid Response: 3 key takeaways from the Orlando massacre
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
I swear, politicians will find any reason to take away our 2nd Amendment right for which "we - service members" have fought for. I think they are afraid someday we will get tired of our corrupt government and overthrow them, and they don't want us to have the means to do so. This is frequently brought up on the "Oath Keepers" blog, and it makes sense. It's ludicrous to let us have the weapons needed to fight for our country, but once we return to civilian life, oh no, you can't have an AR. Really? Get a grip. Just my 2 cents. BTW, I think your article and news interview are spot on. I would also add some things such as, the economy, as people are (from what we've been told by the media) flocking to Islamic countries to fight for them for $ to support their families. Personally, I think this is only a couple handfuls, but I don't have access to that info. Also, our country is in turmoil and the politicians are in denial of this. There's an article on here about Melenials with college degrees not being able to find jobs. Our country is falling apart and people are entitled to their opinions, but I think if they disagree, they are in denial and need to take a hard look at what's actually going on in our country (e.g. gangs are taking over areas, illegal immigrants taking our jobs, the economy is crap, I don't think religion in today's society plays as big a role as it use to, single parent homes with latch key kids and access to Internet and no supervision, etc.etc.). It makes me very sad to think this is what all our men and women in uniform are fighting for, to be stripped of our rights, and not have a job when they transition (potentially, as there is no guarantee). Do you think the gang banger or terrorist give two hoots about the laws? Hell no, they will carry AR's/AK's anyway, except now, us law abiding citizens are impotent because we will be stripped of that right. What a bassakward society.
Have you ever realized the crime rate in the states where concealed and open carry, e.g Texas, New Hampshire, is next to nil. People assume everyone has a gun, so if they were to do something stupid, they would be shot. Just a thought. Instead of taking away our gun rights, make it a law that everyone has to own a gun (conscientious objectors may sign a waiver, but are made aware of potential consequences). Sounds good to me. I'm sure the NRA and gun manufacturers agree, lol. Maybe it would even create more jobs.
SGT Charles W.
So I'm not sure all the states that allow carry. The other contributing factor would be, "Do people exercise their right and actually carry or not", as I do think that makes a difference. And for people that do carry, it's a lifestyle. You can't just carry once in a while because you don't ever know when or where something is going to happen, so you carry ALL THE TIME. Also, the govt. limits us to where we can/can't carry, e.g. no carry in Federal blds, places that serve >50% alcohol (meaning bars not restaurants), church, and schools. The aftermath investigation on 2 of the college shootings showed that if people who were legally allowed to carry were able to carry, the gunman would've been neutralized quicker preventing the unnecessary death of several other people. So I don't know. It was a hypothesis going by the states I've lived/live in, assuming other states were the same, operative word assuming. Sorry.
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