Posted on Mar 30, 2018
Protecting critical infrastructure from dire threats
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 2
Once upon a time (while I was still working as an independent computer technology consultant), I visited the offices of our local electric utility to interview for a contract. While setting up my demonstration I hacked into their network to prepare myself with some prescient opinions that I hoped would impress them with my credentials. A brief look was all I needed to comment that their network security was lacking. Their resident computer experts weren't happy with my assessment, especially when, a week or two later, an article was published in the local paper informing us that the NSA had been looking into network security at public utilities and our local one appeared especially lacking. I received an angry letter accusing me of tipping off the Feds and telling me that my services weren't needed. Honestly, I didn't (but wished I had)...
MGySgt (Join to see)
CPT Jack Durish I've been part of security assessments before as well and they're normally pretty emotional events for those being assessed. I wish the cyber field dealt less with egos and more with a singular focus of trying to become more secure.
Hopefully after some of the recent attacks, the utilities and such will wake up and implement security, after all they aren't using private leased lines any longer and the Internet is full of miscreants looking to cause mischief.
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