Posted on Jul 17, 2021
Proposal to guarantee minimum-wage salaries for all troops fizzles
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
The real problem is that the country simply can't afford to pay young soldiers a competitive wage. Maintaining a total volunteer force is an expensive proposition and as long as there are better-paying jobs available on the outside, recruiting enough troops to fill the ranks is going to be tough.
SSG Samuel Kermon
Very true. And a secondary problem is that there has been a steady erosion of benefits to make low pay more compensatory with the outside world.

Suspended Profile
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. don't forget that with each enlistment, there is a lot of benefits: job training, teamwork, housing, food, GI Bill... the military also depends on most of the first term folks to take their benefits and seek their fortune elsewhere.

Suspended Profile
Also, the notion that first term military service is a well paid position is very new. it is simply not possible to to grow a family on jr enlisted pay. I wonder if the push to make it so has been adopted from the folks that want a "living wage" and $15 minimum wage?
The military has always gotten shorted on pay, even my dad back in the 60's complained about this while raising a family of six on an airman pay. Didn't have food stamps then. But it is a shame that men and women serving in the military have to go and seek outside help with food stamps and other programs. Esoecially while some able person complains about the small amount of welfare money or unemployment funds they get.
Sgt Jim Belanus
in 1971 as an E3 I received 150 per month but single and in the barracks. Nixon doubled our pay in late 71 but put on wage price control so we didn't see any of it until 6 months later. thought we were in hog heaven when it came
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