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Responses: 3
SSG Michael Noll
Nice brother David, remember it well in Saudi.
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SFC Casey O'Mally
This is hilarious. Defense has grounds for mistrial *with prejudice* over prosecutorial misconduct. But liberal loonies want a mistrial based on the fact that the judge likes America.

I happen to appreciate that song, as well. And I am a never-Trumper. But wait, if I like that song it MUST mean that I am a thoughtless Trump follower. How did I manage to NOT vote for him in 2016? Or in 2020? Or in 2024, if he foolishly runs again?

And then Byran Behar is calling for an appeal if they fail to convict? Last time I checked, prosecution doesn't get to appeal a failure to convict. Only the defense can appeal. Unless I am missing something here? (I would tag Capt Prickett here, but it seems he has me blocked again.)
PFC Andrew "Tommy" M.
PFC Andrew "Tommy" M.
3 y
SFC Casey O'Mally "(I would tag Capt Prickett here, but it seems he has me blocked again.)" aren't you lucky ;)
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
3 y
PFC Andrew "Tommy" M. - His legal opinions and advice are usually spot on. His political ones are less so (in my opinion). He gets touchy when I say that he is saying leftist things after he makes leftist statements.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
3 y
SFC Casey O'Mally - I've unblocked you, and if you behave, you'll stay unblocked. The State can also appeal, but they cannot appeal an acquittal, which appears to be what will happen here.

PS, I like the song too, and those calling for a mistrial on that basis are idiots.
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PFC David Foster
I only caught a couple minutes of the trial, but it did seem like the judge was being quite disrespectful to Rittenhouse.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
3 y
Actually the Judge has been very fair. Prosecution, I believe is seeking a mis trial because they have a bad case and a conscientious judge.
PFC David Foster
PFC David Foster
3 y
LTC David Brown - That's good to hear, the one moment I watched it, the judge was on Rittenhouse telling him something in a rather stern voice, Rittenhouse. I guess the prosecution calling for a mistrial is a good sign for Rittenhouse, they must think they've lost.
MSG Thomas Currie
MSG Thomas Currie
3 y
The media has been constantly saying that the judge is favoring the defense and working against the prosecution -- which is at least somewhat true, considering that a judge is sworn to support the rights of the accused (the burden is on the prosecution) and the judge is sworn to uphold the law while in this case the prosecution is trying to twist the facts to support a politically motivated charge that keeps getting blown out of the water by their own witnesses.

The judge has made some comments that could be considered disparaging to the prosecution, when he has been frustrated by the prosecutor's repeated failures to follow rulings and occasional outlandish 'legal' arguments.
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