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Responses: 7
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Not a wise thing to say on his part.
MAJ Contracting Officer
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I'd recommend everyone leave the country, at least for a few months only then do you realize how nice it actually is when you return.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
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SFC Senior Supply Sergeant
Trump is probably the dumbest adult I've ever seen or heard in my life. He speaks like a petulant 3rd grader who has been pacified and religiously praised his whole life. He is a draft dodger and an idiot. And for him to continue to make comments about this, even in the wake of the Milwaukee Bucks player video being released shows how ignorant and incompetent and he truly is. He lacks common decency and shows no empathy for the people in his own country. But he did comment on Tomi Lauren, so I guess thats good, right? Sad...
SFC Senior Supply Sergeant
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SFC (Join to see) You can tell the true Trump supporters because they need someone to translate and tell you what he meant after he makes his ignorant statements, I am not a Trump suppporter and can clearly communicate exactly what I mean. If you need to re-read my statement above you may, but I think its crystal clear. And I really don't think you are ready to engage in any dialogue with me.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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Listen to the words you write: “dumbest adult I've ever seen, a petulant 3rd grader who has been pacified, shows how ignorant and incompetent and he truly is, You can tell the true Trump supporters because, he makes his ignorant statements, shows no empathy”.

Like it or not: you teach fear and hate. I can only hope you don’t pass this bias, fear, and hate filled attitude to any young folks. We have enough hate in this country… we don’t need any more; this attitude is exactly why we have some violence at police stops sometimes. If people keep adding to the anger, where will it end? No place good, that’s for sure. Before you come back to say you didn’t say anything hateful read over the words you wrote again. It is a free country, and we have a right to speak our peace, but you’re speaking passes that and goes into verbal attacks against others you don’t even know. To me that’s hateful.

I hope you can let go of some of whatever is bothering you. You’ll sleep better and be happier. I hope you have a good long weekend.
SFC Senior Supply Sergeant
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Man shut the hell up! Thank you
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
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SFC (Join to see) - no, the draft dodger you voted for teaches fear and hate.
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MSG Stan Hutchison
I guess he never heard about the 1st Amendment.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
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SFC Joseph Weber - How does peaceful assembly apply to a business exercising it's right to protect its business. Do you really think free speech extends to people in their workplace who harm the business of that workplace through their free speech and assembly?
MAJ Contracting Officer
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SFC Joseph Weber - The right of peaceful assembly is to petition grievances to the Government it has nothing to do with your place of employment, employers can fire whoever they want for exercising their freedom of speech in a way that damages the employer.
SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
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MAJ (Join to see) - Have you seen the teacher strikes and walkouts? If they don't live in a right to work state they have the right to strike if collective bargaining breaks down or there is a serious grievance. That's the American way. Lol
MAJ Contracting Officer
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SGT (Join to see) - Sad, but true, oh and the 1st does actually apply if you happen work for the Government....
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