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Responses: 2
MSG Stan Hutchison
America had flirted with Fascism for a long time, going back to the Great Depression at least.
As I posed before, here is a good read on that topic:

Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism - by Rachel Maddow

Worth reading.
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Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Funny though, the guy on the stage was exactly what democrats were preaching and saying.
LTC Eugene Chu
LTC Eugene Chu
2 mo
Guy is more like Trump based on rhetoric of hating immigrants and minorities taking away jobs.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
2 mo
LTC Eugene Chu - More like and is is to different things...the guy on that platform in this clip is exactly what the democrat party was founded on and spoke out against. Also the democrats founded the KKK...threw that in for free.

BTW Trump didn't take away jobs he brought industries back to America from overseas creating jobs. AND he has said nothing different about immigrants than what Obama, Clinton, Bush 1 and 2 have all said...Illegal immigration is a problem. Just look it up.

BTW I am tired of hearing about Trump rhetoric when the left has been calling for Trumps "elimination" on mainstream media...that kind of talk form the left and from the right is why this assasination attempt happened...plain and simple.
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
2 mo
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth everyone, on every side, needs to stop calling for violence. Haven’t we seen enough to make us realize we are all in this together? I am not saying anything related to the assassination attempt because I for one am sick of the bickering between everyone
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