Rear Echelon Mother Fu#ker of term used to designate non-combat troops, especially Support Soldiers. I never heard of the term until I got to Vietnam. Zoomies, Air Force lower enlisted and Squids, Sailors were not thought of as REMF. Zoomies for the most part were asshole which they had an air of superiority of being smarter than an Army Soldier. Squids for the most part were envied because they had the best chow and the Seabees were admired for their courage by operating bulldozer in the boondocks. Marines had REMFs too. You could spot one in a second because they had fatigue blouses, and a little red patch sewn to the legs of their trousers; almost forgot spit shined jungle boots. There are good reasons why Grunts hated REMFs. I encounter my first ones when I got into country which they made fun of all FNGs. Once in the unit and no longer considered an FNG and a member of a squad, you would share stories about how a REMF had stolen something from your kit and were just lousy Heads which was a term for a pot smoker. A Grunt may take a toke in the rear on stand down but never outside the wire; would you get shot for being high on patrol! Not all REMFs were assholes which we knew ours would fight. Our mechanics and recovery personnel went to the field with my unit and were considered combat support troops. I went to Iraq in 2003 and until 2008 and I heard a new term for REMF, Pogue and FOBIT. Pogue, Personnel Other than Grunts, Permanently on Garrison. Don’t remember the definition of FOBIT which was a Pogues that never went off the FOB and sported the best commando shit money could buy at the PX/BX. Amazing how some terms change but the meaning remains the same.