Posted on Sep 4, 2021
Perseverance Rover collected First Mars Sample in tube 266
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
Sgt (Join to see)
Thank you for your comment, LTC John Shaw! - That will come when a mission is set up to retrieve the samples and return them to Earth... My educated guess will be within the 2-year cycle when Mars and Earth are in close proximity... probably in 2023..., but then this is a NASA planning venture and the time period for the mission will be selected by them... This will give us many of the results we are looking for...
First of many. The getting a sample is fairly routine, the ability to analyze it on Mars and send results back is what's amazing to me.
Sgt (Join to see)
Some analysis will be made on Mars, but some samples will be returned to Earth for more detailed study, and that is where the mission will become a round trip scenario... Should be exciting to see happen if I live long enough...
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