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Responses: 5
LTC Orlando Illi
An Isreali Officer once told me that "... the days of Jews marching into gas chambers are over..." If Palestinians truly want peace - then all the need do is ask for it. However, only a delusional cretin would believe that HAMAS and HEZBOLLAH want Peace.
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MSgt Danny Hope
We need to cut ALL financial aid to these guys
MSgt James Mullis
MSgt James Mullis
>1 y
SSG Edward Tilton
SSG Edward Tilton
>1 y
We need to cut all foreign aid period. We pay for universal health care in Israel but can't afford it for our citizens
MSgt Danny Hope
MSgt Danny Hope
>1 y
SSG Edward Tilton - True, but the Israeli's at least use a large share of aid to buy materials and supplies from us.
SSG Edward Tilton
SSG Edward Tilton
>1 y
They SOLD some of the technology we gave them.
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SPC David S.
Edited >1 y ago
While I know that Palestine is a non-member of the UN; every U.N. voting report between 1999 and 2009 listed U.S. foreign assistance disbursements to each nation alongside its voting coincidence with the U.S. However, the Obama Administration ended this practice and, since 2010, has failed to include foreign assistance disbursements in its reports. Basically the report would demonstrate that US foreign aid does not always translate into UN votes or US goodwill. This is the 2015 report - on pages 30-34 you will see the foreign aid amounts have been removed. Not sure if Trump has or will reinstate the listing of foreign aid disbursements or not in this report, however it seem like in order to use financial aid as leverage one needs to be able to demonstrate a record of reciprocity - if you help promote US policy you'll get paid. Yes I understand countries could vote one way and act completely opposite but foreign aid could as well then be stopped if countries develop a vote yes-act no pattern. I guess a bigger question is should we be giving money to non UN members - does that as well undercut the value of trying to gain member status. Under the outline criteria it would be rather difficult in justifying any aid to these guys. While I think money can be used as leverage I feel the US relies on it to much in its nation building efforts as well the military when money doesn't work. We need real leadership in foreign policy with clear objectives and plans in how we approach every country - foe or friend.

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