Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4

How killing the ACA could lead to more opioid deaths in West Virginia and other Trump states
Deep in the heart of Trump country, the death of Obamacare could lead to the death of many Trump voters
I see drug addicts every single day. They go through detox in jail. Usually breaking a few bones in their hand trying to bust open a steal door. They make bond, get out, get high all over again before their next court date. The next time they get that fix they are either back in jail, on a stretcher, or in the morgue. The only time they stop is when they hit the freezer.
The "war on drugs" has failed because we as a society have become weak and overly tolerant! There are always going to be drug addicts so let's just give up! Those addicts are always going to need dealers but there are so many... left just give up because punishing them is cruel! Even better still... let's legalize drugs and we, the government can be the dealers because there is money to be made in the weakness and illegality of others!
Please!!! The war on drugs was not a failure because it was wrong. The war on drugs failed because as a society, we continually lower our standards to meet the desires of a minority of people who refuse to accept responsibility for their actions! in the late 60's and 70's they were called hippies. What are they going to be called today? Son? Daughter? Mom? Dad?
Please!!! The war on drugs was not a failure because it was wrong. The war on drugs failed because as a society, we continually lower our standards to meet the desires of a minority of people who refuse to accept responsibility for their actions! in the late 60's and 70's they were called hippies. What are they going to be called today? Son? Daughter? Mom? Dad?
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