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Responses: 3
Cpl Software Engineer
Sleight of hand! The article's headline states that the hat is Made in America, then shows a picture of a Chinese woman sewing a banner. Trump's store page is not selling any banners with that pattern. The author is being intellectually dishonest.

I'm surprised you didn't catch the dishonesty, Major. Aren't we supposed to be trained to notice things that are out of place? Regardless the political beliefs, dishonesty is dishonesty and Newsweek is becoming a "National Enquirer" of sorts when printing blatant lies to drum up anti-Trump sentiment.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
5 y
Cpl (Join to see) I guess the point wasn't about the Made in America element - it's about the slogan - which IS "Keep America Great." Heck, I didn't even say anything about the article, because really I didn't care about the article.

However, you are correct, I should have checked what I was posting prior to doing so - and for that I apologize. I really do appreciate you calling me out on that one. Thank you.

I may have some vitreol for certain elements, but I do value honesty and integrity more than a quick attack on people or things. So, again, thanks for the check on that one.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
5 y
Cpl (Join to see) Also, I've changed the link to go to the official store front, because my point wasn't about where anything was made, but rather to ask the question as to what has changed in two years where NOW we are great, but we weren't then.
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
5 y
Thank you for clarifying, MAJ Bryan Zeski, but for context, this is the original newsweek link, so no one is confused by my post.
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SSgt Richard Kensinger
Since his adolescence, and based on my clinical research of Donald, he was and still is degrading core human values. If any of you are interested in my published research, contact me " [login to see] " or " [login to see] ".
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited 4 y ago
Trump is a liar and cheater. He will say anything to give credence to the narrative he made America great and will keep America great. It is also another opportunity to make money from new caps.

If you have a GDP growth of 1.7% and call it the greatest economy in history, that means he had a great jumping off point which the GOP will deny.
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