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Responses: 9
CPT Jack Durish
The case against OJ was so poorly prosecuted that I believe that had I witnessed the crime and then sat on that jury, I would have been forced to vote "Not Guilty". The prosecutors failed in the first minutes of the trial when Martha Clarke became confused by her own slide presentation, and then went down hill from there.
Candy Alkaabi
Candy Alkaabi
8 y
PO1 John Crafton - yup even an idiot would know that the blood on th egloves and his stretching his hand would make them not fit.....he was latter found guilty in a civil suit against him from the family. that judge saw what the jury didn't and made sure they got something out of it.
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COL Mikel J. Burroughs
LTC Stephen F. There was way too much public attention put on this case and prosecution dropped the ball big time, but in the end I believe that justice was served (not for the murder, but by his own guilt and greed) and O J Simpson was left with nothing! Just my 2 cents!
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SFC Bill Snyder
If the glove don't fit, acquit. Bull Sh@t. Ploy y Cothren. You put a pair of rubber gloves on, then try to put a pair of leather gloves you wear and cherish. They won't fit, no way Jose, or Johnny. He didn't want to transfer DNA was aBS comment. They were already tested long ago. Anyhow, he's cooling his heels in a Navada Prison instead of the Golf Links with Obummer.
Candy Alkaabi
Candy Alkaabi
8 y
not to mention that once a pair of leather gloves are wet in any way they can shrink and become stiff, also he spread his hand out a bit so they wouldn't go on! why didn't they just get a similar pair of gloves (same size and make) and have him try them on.....nope they weren't too bright back then!
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