Posted on Jan 6, 2016
Obama's Gun Control Agenda Sets a Dangerous Precedent
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 4
Imagine a republican president banning abortion by executive order. Does anyone think the Ds would sit back and accept it?
SP5 Roberta Sanchez
Requiring gun control is not overwriting a law. Abortion is legal in the USA. However, I do thnk that if women have to jump through hoops to get an abortion, men should do the same for viagra. If the guys don't want to deal with the results of their fun, they should not have the option to start the process!
CW5 (Join to see)
Maybe a President wouldn't ban abortion by Executive Order but could try to make it where minors' parents and/or the father must be notified or mandate a sonogram prior to the procedure. That would be the most direct analogy to what he is doing now.
In my opinion, The president does not want anyone's guns. He, (and I) would like to see guns kept away from people who have not the responsibility or maturity to use it properly. I worry more about the mentally ill getting guns and shooting up something because of a delusion. Criminals are not mentally ill-they are sociopaths. That is a different issue. I have Libertarian friends who resent the government exerting controls over who gets a gun. They fear "irresponsible liberals." My response is that if things done their way will allow those very liberals to have guns-are they ready for that? All I heard back are crickets...
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