Posted on Nov 29, 2016
NYT: Obama should pardon Bergdahl because “Trump!”
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 17
I support President Obama and think he was an awesome President. I've even wrestled in my mind why he did what he did in making the deal to get Bergdahl back. However, if he pardons Bergdahl, it'll be probably the most inexcusable act a President has ever done.
1stSgt Eugene Harless
I hope it doesn't happen, but in my humble opinion the worst pardon ever given was Ford Pardoning Nixon.
SGT (Join to see)
1stSgt Eugene Harless - That sucked but in my opinion, when Ford pardoned the draft dodgers who fled to Canada, was the worst pardon for criminals.
SGT (Join to see)
1stSgt Eugene Harless - That does suck, but the worst pardon given, in my opinion, was by Carter, pardoning the draft dodgers who ran, like little kids, to Canada to avoid being drafted.
1stSgt Eugene Harless
Carter's Blanket Pardon was a slap in the face to all vets, But as Individuals Not a Single Draft Dodger was guilty (allegedly) of abusing power Like Nixon did. He was a shady character, much like a certain candidate for the latest election who manipulated her party to get the nomination.
The Army, as an institution pushed back against the administration's attempt to cover this up.
SGT (Join to see)
And Obama isn't interested in the Military, so there you go as to why it's taken so long. He's protected.
Both of them, the Obama and the Bergdhal are no good garbage. That's what I think.
SGT (Join to see)
I've never understood Obama in anything he has done. I think he's smoking too much pot. Everything he's done, he's proud of and thinks he is the best POTUS our country has ever had. Maybe he's a pacifist and that's why he's done nothing for the Military but make it harder on them.
CW3 Matt Hutchason
You won't see the Trump with an idiotic sign like this in front of his lectern. There is no "Office of the President Elect". Just proves this idiots arrogance that foreshadowed his next 8 years of life. This chump stain did nothing but make our great country look stupid. Good riddance, skid mark. Wouldn't be surprising at all if he pardoned the Bergdhal. That's what he does..... stupid shit.
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