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Responses: 5
MAJ Ken Landgren
Trump, the administration, and the GOP don't have much to brag about. The US has record COVID metrics in the world. GDP growth is negative for 2020 and several million are unemployed. I expected Trump to attack and lie. He is a prolific liar and his followers believe in the conspiracies and alternate reality he spews. That is Trump's platform. Attack and lie.
SSG Diane R.
SSG Diane R.
4 y
Trump did /does not have a political machine behind him. He underestimated the depth and breath of the swamp and nearly sank in their quicksand. Is he brash? Loud? even Crude? Yes. Not a perfect candidate by any means, but better than the alternatives.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
4 y
SSG Diane R. - For petes sakes he illegally used veterans charity funds for personal purposes. That tells me enough about his sense of morality. Of course he has a political machine. It is called his administration. Talking about a swamp, they lie infinitely. Trump lied about the pandemic for weeks. He said he takes full responsibility for the pandemic and blames China in the same sentence. His administration barely did anything to prepare the country for the pandemic. I could go on and on about his failures. He really fucks up what he touches. He is not the swamp, he is a tidal wave of incompetence and sociopathic habits.

Let me show you Trump's swamp:
- Billions spent on 10% of a border wall that is falling apart in some places and agile Mexican teens and men can climb the wall.
- Started a trade war and trade deficits are at record levels.
- We give around $35 billion to large farms to keep them afloat.
- Trump had to make restitution for illegally using veterans funds.
- Impeachment trial because he used foreign aid to coerce Ukraine into investigating an opponents son.
- Blamed California for the fires because they did not rake the forests.
- Lied about the pandemic for weeks.
- Completely unprepared for the pandemic.
- Pushed states to open and safety was not a priority which resulted in another spike.
- Claims the pandemic is behind us as we reach record levels of cases.
- Economy is a wreck.
- 8% unemployment.
- Civil strife.
- He turned his back on the Kurds and possibly 1000 ISIS members escaped.
- He attacked the service of a war veteran.
- He lies all the time.
- Peaceful protesters were attacked by people in uniform in DC to make way for him to hold a bible in a manner it looked like he wanted to club a baby seal.
SSG Diane R.
SSG Diane R.
4 y
MAJ Ken Landgren - I've had COVID19, and have many commorbidities and came though it, so it's survivable. China is responsible for the Pandemic. The virus was first developed in 2015, through gain of function studies at an American University, then out of safety concerns research was moved to the bio-warfare labs in Wuhan China and research continued to be funded by the US NIH. It got loose in the late summer or fall of 2019, either accidentally or deliberately. The Chinese concealed this. Meanwhile The Gates Foundation, in cooperation with NIH were running Event 201. Trump Terminated NIH Funding of the Wuhan Lab in July, 2020.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
4 y
SSG Diane R. - How did Trump prepare the nation for the pandemic? How should the federal government mobilize for a national emergency like the pandemic? It's OK Trump and his administration didn't know either.
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PO1 H Gene Lawrence
I’m in agreement with you Sister Diane.
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1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
SSG Diane R.
SSG Diane R.
4 y
Top, third party fact check sites are very partisan and often questionable in their own right, just look at the joke Snopes became. Read the article for yourself and make up your own mind.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
4 y
Are Trumpers tired of the shit sandwiches that are put in the media?
SSG Diane R.
SSG Diane R.
4 y
MAJ Ken Landgren - Sorry, not a "Trumper" I supported Tulsi Gabbard.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
4 y
SSG Diane R. - And where is the proof of this perceived bias? Meanwhile, Lew Rockwell posts articles on AIDS denialism and that Vaccines cause autism.
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