Posted on Oct 1, 2017
Nothing to See Here?: Raiders Staff Cover Marshawn Lynch As He Sits During the National Anthem -...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 15
Let's be honest. This tempest has nothing to do with Freedom of Speech. No one has lost their life or liberty because they voiced an unpopular opinion. The government is taking no action against them. The President merely provided We the People with a voice. He didn't alter our opinion. He merely echoed it. Furthermore, he did not take action as the leader of the government. He merely suggested that the owners exercise their proprietary rights to protect the image of the product they market. The First Amendment only bars the government from infringing on our individual freedom on conscience, our liberty to express ourselves, and to petition for redress of grievances. It has nothing to do with We the People having a conversation. It is that conversation that is at issue. NFL players want to use their notoriety to bring pressure to bear on the government to rein in police who they believe are hunting blacks and murdering them. We the fans are not impressed. We've looked at the evidence and don't agree. Sadly, the players have chosen to voice their concern through displays of disrespect to the emblems of the nation we the fans revere and we are choosing to tune them out. It's costing the team owners and the league. In this case, a team is responding by hiding the display from the fans (unsuccessfully).
CPT Jack Durish
LTC (Join to see) - Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men (Dear God, forgive me)... The Shadow knows.
LTC (Join to see)
CPT Jack Durish - the shadow knows also knows how many Democrats used and exploited the 89th military airlift wing for personal gain from Andrews Air Force Base.
You don't have to make excuses for Breitbart News or apologize. If I see something from Sputnik for from RT I still look at it objectively. Some liberals say all if it's from Fox News or if it's from Breitbart it must be fake news. Each story must have their own merits. Stories from Canada all the time that doesn't make the mainstream media. If something's from National Post or from the Globe and Mail in Canada does that make that fake news? I'm sorry safe space Seekers, you are going to hear opposing points of view. I may not agree with President Trump on many things and I actually don't watch professional football, but what I have done is gone to ramp ceremonies and what I have done is lost my first sergeant and for others to a suicide car bomber in Afghanistan. These guys may not have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth but now they have the silver spoon in their mouth and now they're being conceited and cocky. This kind of reminds me of Vanessa Redgrave in 1978 talking about the Palestinian Liberation Organization putting down the Israeli is a Zionist group after winning her Academy Award. She exercise our right to free speech but she sure lost a lot of credibility with the academy after that.
SGT Robert Hawks
EXCLUSIVE: Judge moves ahead with defamation suit against Anderson Cooper by Florida pediatrician who claimed the anchor's report was a 'ratings grab' implying doctor treated dying babies 'as sacrificial lambs'
By Kaileen Gaul For
17:57 15 May 2017, updated 21:43 15 May 2017
Last year Dr. Michael Black filed a 208-page defamation lawsuit against CNN and network host Anderson Cooper and medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen
Dr. Black claimed Anderson Cooper 360 aired a segment that exaggerated the mortality rate of babies at the hands of the pediatric doctor
The television coverage reportedly led to the closure of the program, and Black was hit with malpractices lawsuits by the parents of the babies in the segment
Black claims he received death threats as a result, with one anonymous caller telling him he would be 'butchered just like (his) patients'
CNN's Anderson Cooper failed to have a defamation lawsuit claiming he sensationalized a story about dead babies thrown out of court.
The judge argued the Florida doctor who is suing the network showed enough evidence to move forward with his legal battle on April 28.
By Kaileen Gaul For
17:57 15 May 2017, updated 21:43 15 May 2017
Last year Dr. Michael Black filed a 208-page defamation lawsuit against CNN and network host Anderson Cooper and medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen
Dr. Black claimed Anderson Cooper 360 aired a segment that exaggerated the mortality rate of babies at the hands of the pediatric doctor
The television coverage reportedly led to the closure of the program, and Black was hit with malpractices lawsuits by the parents of the babies in the segment
Black claims he received death threats as a result, with one anonymous caller telling him he would be 'butchered just like (his) patients'
CNN's Anderson Cooper failed to have a defamation lawsuit claiming he sensationalized a story about dead babies thrown out of court.
The judge argued the Florida doctor who is suing the network showed enough evidence to move forward with his legal battle on April 28.
Maj John Bell
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - It doesn't matter if they are equivalent situations. A persons 1st Amendment rights guaranteeing him freedom from government retribution does not negate a business owner's property rights, including his right to protect his business.
LTC (Join to see)
SP5 Christine Conley - Who has restricted their rights? Certainly not the government. If owners restrict their activities while they are on the clock, that is not restricting their rights. If owners restrict their activities while they are off the clock, that is a contract issue. That is the owners exercising their rights. At any rate, I can't see where any player has yet to get hammered ... other than by those of us in the peanut gallery that have lost all respect for those NFL players, the NFL in general, and the failed leadership of the NFL, specifically Goodell. Knee takers have no right that protects them from criticism from those of us that used to be their fans.
LTC (Join to see)
LTC (Join to see) - regardless what these Knuckleheads are doing right or wrong Karma the NFL is going to suffer. It's not just racist and the alt-right that are getting mad. They get mad if a black man is alive because white supremacist who deny White having genocide against whites are pretty stupid and naive. We go to a game to enjoy ourselves we don't try to recreate the atmosphere of 1968 Olympics all over again. We all know about Kyle Kaepernick is donating $100,000 to a black panther woman who is in Cuba even though we now have full diplomatic relations and we should have had her been brought back for her finishing her sentence but President Obama was so eager to get the diplomatic relations open he didn't negotiate that and the other hijackers and others who fled to Cuba in the decades past put the Vietnamese had it over the people that we want it back when they want a diplomatic relations opened. So Kaepernick is actually a Marxist anyway and he is the poster boy for this new go on one knee protest. It's going to backfire on them all. People will call it racism but I guess this is part of the Science of Stupid which could cover any race especially white owners of the NFL.
LTC (Join to see)
SP5 Christine Conley - Sorry but I disagree. The President suggesting that knee-takers be fired is hardly illegal ... no matter how much one attempts to twist the law. A player is "on the clock" when his contract specifies he is ... and he is also bound by the terms of his contract that delineate what conduct is expected off duty. I don't think anyone seeks to ignore anyone's problem(s) though some problems have more credibility than others. Heck, some players "took a knee" to protest Trump. Now that's one heck of a lousy reason to disrespect the flag ... IMV. The issue is the manner in which the problems are being protested. For my part, I have specifically stated that I don't see the protest as disrespectful of the military. I do see it as disrespectful to the ideals of our country that the flag and anthem represent. To the extent that our country falls short of those ideals, protest til hell freezes over ... but don't disrespect the ideals. Do something to help live up to them.
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