Posted on Jul 28, 2017
North Korea 2nd ICBM test puts much of US in range: experts
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2

Suspended Profile
If it can hit Chicago, it can probably hit Dallas and other Red state cities.

Sgt Wayne Wood
Dallas isn't the open sewer Chicago & LA are... i'm trying to be positive here...

SSgt Kenneth Douglas
3000 Californians leave this state daily importing the swill elsewhere thinking it will work there. Even Arizona, where I grew up, is turning purple. I am in California and I'm not going to leave I'm going to fight these idiots. I'm a Conservative Republican and a Tea Party member and supporter.
LA and Chicago are both majority democrats. So it would not matter much if we lost them both.
Sgt Wayne Wood
Take care of the gang problems... put the Cubs & Dodgers fans out of their misery... win/win!
SSgt Kenneth Douglas
True but there are staunch Republicans like myself who are here willing to fight these libtard DemonRats. I will never surrender full speed ahead. In reality if you removed the urban areas California is right of center unfortunately the establishment RINO's have caved in. Open primaries are terrible because it allows the DemonRats to come in and piss in the Republican pond.

NUKEMAP is a Google Maps mash-up that calculates the effects of the detonation of a nuclear bomb.
Sgt Wayne Wood
Assuming the same yield as a Pakistani nuke (where Iran got their tech) they don't even hit the worst neighborhoods of LA/Chicago... maybe they should go for EMP
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