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Responses: 2
SSG Program Control Manager
Treat people the way you want to be treated. That means that anyone who considers themselves to be a man can use the men's restroom and anyone who considers themselves to be a woman can use the women's restroom.
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SSG Steven Mangus
Yes, treat people as you would like to be treated. However, and I have said this many times, gender identity lies within the individual and not the collective. Resolution has to come from the individual and "we" as the majority should not have to change for the one..sure the one is going to say "we are not asking the majority to change." However, they are. Use the bathroom with the current gender, when reassigned then use the corresponding bathroom..
SFC J Fullerton
SFC J Fullerton
>1 y
I don't understand the concern over a persons genitalia. What is in a persons pants or under their dress is private, hence the term "private parts". Performing your bodily functions is also a private matter. Not sure that I agree that a surgical procedure is necessary to be "officially" recognized with the gender a person lives their life as. Which also brings up a person's right to medical privacy. In other words, it is not the government's business to know what is in your drawers, how you take a piss, or what medical procedures you have or have not had.
SSG Steven Mangus
SSG Steven Mangus
>1 y
While I don't care what people do with their lives..forcing the bathroom issue opens the door to less scrupulous people, and I for one, am not comfortable with that risk when it comes to my children..
SSG Jacey R.
SSG Jacey R.
>1 y
SSG Steven Mangus - having children of my own, I can understand your concern. In some small way I can even agree with it, however what I just wanted to point out is that transgender people are only wanting to go in and use the restroom. There have been laws in place to protect people in the restroom. If a criminal wants in he/she will go in. Forcing transgender people to only use what was on the birth certificate at birth opens the door to the man that says I am transgender to go in the ladies room or vice versa.

I can agree that if a man dressed as a woman, is not transgender and has no intention of changing gender or ever felt that they are or were a woman should not be allowed in. For a transgender person that knows and has known that they were born with the genitalia not matching who they are, wants to see the doctor get the help needed, with that help the doctor, after diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria, can provide the individual with documentation to show that they are seeking help and in fact are transgender. This is for the reason of if confronted, they have something to show witht the doctor's name and phone number. That can be comforting to the transgender person, especially in the early stages of transitioning gender roles.

I know and am not going to try and change your mind, I just wanted to give some extra insight to you.
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