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Responses: 3
CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
And are respected by the world a whole lot less.
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... if at all.
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Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Let's see...
1. North Korea is no different than they were before, during, and after the Trump admin. Biden has appeared to ignore them after Trump at least tried to get them to the table to deal.
2. Iran appears to be getting a sweet-heart deal of their Billions in frozen assets, simply for agreeing to exchange prisoners. That will likely go towards their nuclear program, potentially adding yet another hostile nation (one with significant terrorism ties) to the list of countries with nuclear weapons.
3. Russia is closer to WWIII then they have been since the Cuban missile crisis.
4. China's cyber activity has increased, and they become far more aggressive with Taiwan than they've ever been. They are using Cold War tactics against us and creating a very volatile and dangerous situation in the SE Asian region.
5. We surrendered in Afghanistan after 20 years in a war we did not ask for and had every right to take to the Taliban. Thus, demonstrating the cowardice of this President and ultimately reflecting poorly on this nation in general.
6. Migrants are coming to the US in record numbers, especially from our southern hemisphere, which we as a nation have ignored far too long while China invests heavily in them.
7. Dangerous drugs continue to pour into this nation (in record numbers, facilitated by the Chinese in many cases) as we legalize some and justify/normalize the use of them.
8. War continues in the Middle East region to include within Yemen and Syria...
9. China and Pakistan are both still in conflict with India.
10. Our border with Mexico has become far too dangerous, some of it is finding its way into the US side, and we have done little to pressure Mexico to take care of the cartels in control of the region. Any suggestion that we (the US) takes them on (to include jointly with Mexico) is met with criticism by the Mexican government.
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All true beyond a doubt. We can only hope people remember what expertise President Biden had in foreign diplomacy: NONE.
The only reason he was jet setting around the world in AF2, with Hunter in tow, was to extort money from corrupt foreign countries for his family. All the bank records examined show that beyond a doubt.
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CSM Chuck Stafford
definitely emboldening those who would think twice if they thought there might be consequences
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Peace must be through strength, something that Progressive Democrats just don't have. They typically believe they can buy their way out of any problem. Look at Iran after Obama gave then the tons of money and then they were a problem for a long time. Trump cleaned them up by drying up their cash. Now President Biden is going to give Iran tons of money more. What do people think Iran is going to do? Be nice? Good luck with that.
CSM Chuck Stafford
CSM Chuck Stafford
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SFC (Join to see) Evil exists and will play your emotions until it is too late --
It all goes back to
Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
Weak men create hard times
Hard times create strong men
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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CSM Chuck Stafford - Just as long as they aren't Strong Evil Men...
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