Posted on Jul 13, 2022
Newshour - Shireen Abu Akleh's brother: 'We will pursue justice for Shireen' - BBC Sounds
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Predictable. That the comment is "not definitive" tells us all that we need to know about why it is "not definitive". Every time the Palestinians trust the U.S.A, it betrays them, just like it betrayed the Kurds, and God know who else we promised then violated the promise.
Analyzing the bullet does not reveal whether it was intentional or not. That U.S. said that undermines credibility. Credible videos and witnesses and the ongoing targeting of journalists are all definitive about the intention.
Analyzing the bullet does not reveal whether it was intentional or not. That U.S. said that undermines credibility. Credible videos and witnesses and the ongoing targeting of journalists are all definitive about the intention.
The Middle East conflict is framed as one of the most complex problems in the world. But, in reality, it's very simple. Israelis want to live in peace and ar...
This is one of the few times. Hopefully they will figure out where this came from. Israel does not do this on purpose as part of policy. Israel has wanted to trade land for peace but the Arabs want the Jews dead so it's a no-win situation.
There are actually Bedouin Arabs that are protected by the Israeli government and who joined the Israeli military to defend their borders against these Palestinian terrorists.
I saw a video 7 years ago at Fort Dix New Jersey showing how this is really Commander convinced this Israeli settlement in the Gaza to give up their land for peace. It was a very difficult situation but they did it reluctantly and the Palestinians celebrated by sending the suicide bombers into Israel. Trading land for peace will not be successful with these Palestinians. They're kind of like the Borg from Star Trek and they won't stop until all Israelis are wiped off the map. That's where I ran comes in with their nuclear bomb that they're developing.
Israel has diesel electric Subs with nuclear cruise missiles waiting to answer their initial attack.
LCDR Glenn Adwell
There are actually Bedouin Arabs that are protected by the Israeli government and who joined the Israeli military to defend their borders against these Palestinian terrorists.
I saw a video 7 years ago at Fort Dix New Jersey showing how this is really Commander convinced this Israeli settlement in the Gaza to give up their land for peace. It was a very difficult situation but they did it reluctantly and the Palestinians celebrated by sending the suicide bombers into Israel. Trading land for peace will not be successful with these Palestinians. They're kind of like the Borg from Star Trek and they won't stop until all Israelis are wiped off the map. That's where I ran comes in with their nuclear bomb that they're developing.
Israel has diesel electric Subs with nuclear cruise missiles waiting to answer their initial attack.
LCDR Glenn Adwell
Why did you post this here? It's an Israeli problem if anything. It has nothing to do with our military.
LTC (Join to see)
Israel is our Ally. Some people have sympathy for the Palestinians. In this case, the Palestinians are upset but most of the time it's the Palestinians firing a thousand Rockets and if they kill one or two israelis, they are happy but if Israel comes back with a Hellfire missile airstrike and takes out the leadership on the west bank, those same people are upset that the Israelis killed the leadership. Similar to when Democrats got upset when President Trump killed General soleimani of the Iranian Terrorist KUDs Force who killed Hunters of American soldiers with his shape charged IEDs.
Unlike some of those who are upset that General soleimani was killed, I was one of them who was actually happy and I was able to get it out of my system because I went to two three or four ramp ceremonies when the body was being carried back into the back of a C-130 followed by a chaplain and sent to Dover Air Force Base for cleanup and sending to their hometowns for burial.
Unlike some of those who are upset that General soleimani was killed, I was one of them who was actually happy and I was able to get it out of my system because I went to two three or four ramp ceremonies when the body was being carried back into the back of a C-130 followed by a chaplain and sent to Dover Air Force Base for cleanup and sending to their hometowns for burial.
SGT Mary G.
from: U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel, updated February 18, 2022 a 50+ page report at
"Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.
Successive Administrations, working with Congress, have provided Israel with significant
assistance in light of robust domestic U.S. support for Israel and its security; shared strategic goals in the Middle East; a mutual commitment to democratic values; and historical ties dating from U.S. support for the creation of Israel in 1948. To date, the United States has provided Israel $150 billion (current, or noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. At present, almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance; from 1971 to 2007, Israel also received significant economic assistance.
In 2016, the U.S. and Israeli governments signed their third 10-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on military aid, covering FY2019 to FY2028. Under the terms of the MOU, the United States pledged to provide—subject to congressional
appropriation—$38 billion in military aid ($33 billion in Foreign Military Financing grants plus $5 billion in missile defense appropriations) to Israel"
"Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.
Successive Administrations, working with Congress, have provided Israel with significant
assistance in light of robust domestic U.S. support for Israel and its security; shared strategic goals in the Middle East; a mutual commitment to democratic values; and historical ties dating from U.S. support for the creation of Israel in 1948. To date, the United States has provided Israel $150 billion (current, or noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. At present, almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance; from 1971 to 2007, Israel also received significant economic assistance.
In 2016, the U.S. and Israeli governments signed their third 10-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on military aid, covering FY2019 to FY2028. Under the terms of the MOU, the United States pledged to provide—subject to congressional
appropriation—$38 billion in military aid ($33 billion in Foreign Military Financing grants plus $5 billion in missile defense appropriations) to Israel"
Congressional Research Service Reports on the Middle East and the Arab World
An unofficial collection of CRS reports on national security
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