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Responses: 4
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
They're everywhere here in the Tampa area. I have no problem with them, but then I tend to stop at red lights. The main objection that I've seen around here is that the "ticket" isn't necessarily coming from law enforcement but rather the company that operates the cameras for the City/County.
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CPL LaForest Gray

The Four Problems With Public Video Surveillance :



Only Surveillance Can Save Us
Big data offers tools to stop the pandemic right now—if we change our definition of privacy.
Bruno MaçãesApril 10, 2020, 3:40 PM

“If only governments used all the technology already available to them. Each case could then be treated according to individual parameters. Once a person has been confirmed to be infected, his or her close contacts could automatically be traced and instructed to get tested. Meanwhile, the infected person’s compliance with lockdown instructions could be tracked using digital tools that monitor individual travel and behavior patterns. Of course, this would require governments accessing cell-phone users’ individual data—and eliminating the legal hurdles currently preventing them from doing so.”

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CPL LaForest Gray
The Citizen Lab

Arms company in Israel called : The NSO

China - Social Credit System
06 October 2023

Before entering the market, businesses should learn the ins and outs of China’s social credit system. The social credit system was designed to make sure individuals and businesses in China comply with the country’s laws and regulations.

To help businesses learn more about this system, we’ve put together a guide to China’s social credit system and what it means for businesses.

Key Takeaways: 

* China’s social credit system gives individuals, businesses, and government entities a credit score based on their trustworthiness.

* A bad credit score comes with penalties like reduced access to credit and fewer business opportunities.

* Corporations seeking to fix a bad credit score must submit an application to do so.

SOURCE : https://velocityglobal.com/resources/blog/chinese-social-credit-system/

The "social credit system," first announced in 2014, aims to reinforce the idea that "keeping trust is glorious and breaking trust is disgraceful," according to a government document. ... Like private credit scores, a person's social score can move up and down depending on their behavior.Oct 29, 2018

China has started ranking citizens with a creepy 'social credit' system — here's what you can do wrong, and the embarrassing, demeaning ways they can punish you

1. Banning you from flying or getting the train.

2. Throttling your internet speeds.

3. Banning you — or your kids — from the best schools.

4. Stopping you getting the best jobs.

5. Keeping you out of the best hotels.

6. Getting your dog taken away.

7. Being publicly named as a bad citizen.

social scoring
a.k.a. your social score, influencer
The act of rating a person's level of influence based on evaluating one's followers, friends, and postings on social networks such as Twitter and Facebook.

Companies now have the capability to score millions, eventually billions, of people on their level of influence. They look at the number of followers or friends you’ve amassed, and they measure influence in more nuanced ways, and then post their judgments in the form of an online score, thereby making social scoring subjective and imperfect. Most analytic companies rely heavily on a user’s Twitter and Facebook profiles, leaving out other online activities, like blogging or posting YouTube videos.

Historical perspecitve: By 2013 the adoption of social scoring in mainstream culture helped build personal brands that generated millions of dollars in branded content revenue for the influencer, often a celebrity. The thinking  became that your rating could help determine how well you are treated by everyone with whom you interact.

Critics are increasingly concerned that we are moving closer to creating social media caste systems, where people with high scores get preferential treatment by retailers, prospective employers, even prospective dates.

Social scoring is also influencing life in the offline world. As of 2018, companies began tracking online behavior to gauge whether a person will pay his or her debts. One study found Android users and nighttime shoppers and people who typed their name in all lowercase were the most prone to default on a loan. As of 2018, China has also instigated a social scoring system. MWBRL.

See also : social networking  user  digital doppelganger  influencer  


How the West Got China's Social Credit System Wrong



Homeland Security goes to Walmart
2010 “See Something, Say Something” campaign proved to be a logistical and PR nightmare
Written by JPat Brown
Edited by Michael

In December 2010, the following PSA first aired on the check-out screens of hundreds of Walmart stores nationwide.

“But the biggest problem, and the one that threatened to dissolve this budding partnership before it even got off the ground, was from one of DHS’ components being left out of the loop.

Fusion centers — post-9/11 intelligence sharing outfits created to streamline communications between local and federal law enforcement — hearing about this initiative through the same press release everybody else received started calling up their neighborhood Walmart stores.”

SOURCE : https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2016/aug/01/when-homeland-security-came-walmart/


A Walmart shopper has filed a new class action lawsuit against the retailer in a U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois on Sept. 1. The suit, levied by plaintiff James Luthe, alleges that Walmart is collecting, storing, and using customers' biometric data without their consent through their cameras and advance video surveillance systems.

"Biometrics are unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, that can be used for automated recognition," according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

SOURCE : https://bestlifeonline.com/walmart-biometric-data-lawsuit-news/
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