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1SG First Sergeant
I have mixed emotions about the new NCOER. Of course I am happy that the over inflated garbage will go away but I wonder what it's going to do to the NOC Corps? Now hear me out.....ever notice how officers always jock for as much face time with their senior rater as possible? The reason is OERs. For example a BDE staff, the S1 is good to go because he is in the BDE CDR office multiple times a day. Now Take the S6, he talks to the CDR occasionally but if he wants to be on the same level as the 1 or the 3 he has to seek out the commanders attention.

This is another reason there is such an issue with some officers, usually in the 3 shop, stove piping information. Because the need to look like they are the go to guy. This is the part I fear for with the NCO corps. We can't afford to stab one another in the back or hoard information. Best practices must be shared and the Soldiers we are charged to develop are going to see this behavior and boom a new generation of NCOs has been formed.

Or it may work out great and everyone will be happy. Guess we'll see very soon.
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LTC Yinon Weiss
Edited >1 y ago
I know a lot of people will complain about the new system, and I also anticipate a lot of technical challenges with it running online completely through an Army site, but the forced curve that will only allow 24% of people to be "top block" should be a welcomed change by those who value performance. Now the top performers can truly stand out from the rest of the crowd... which should also motivate others to outperform, since not everybody can be a "top performer" any more.
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CW5 Regimental Chief Warrant Officer
It loses its value as a developmental form. It is intended to evaluate a the NCO during the rated period based upon previously identified goals (counseling form). Instead, the focus will be on comparing them to their peers within the scope of the senior rater.
It will always come down to how much time the board has to look at files. Ask anyone who has been on a board and see what areas they focus on.
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