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Responses: 3
SSgt Auto Total Loss Claims Associate
They were talking about this on a local radio show this morning. Good! A Private company should be able to control who uses their name to promote their stuff - especially in this case.
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SGT AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer
look at it now lol
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
7 y
Well it's back to it's "normal" self I guess. I went there and threw up in my mouth just a little bit.
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CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)

Ok I find several things funny, First its nice to see a Private company be ALLOWED to enforce its personal views on its customers. I mean after that bake shop insanity set the precedent that private company's don't get a say in who they do businesses with, to have one refuses services because they do not approve of the way their product is being used is a wonderful step in the right direction for America.

SPC Ford you are incorrect they get to keep their Domain name they just have to transfer it to another redirect hosting company. An enterprising person would find out when their renewal is and buy the domain out from under them, and then fill it with everything they hate. (id be down to help design that web site lol) I am really surprised Anonymous has not done a hack on them over this, then again they have been quite for a while. While it says they may have its questionable at this time.

It seems even google doesn't want them and has denied the registration application.

At the end of the day I can smile and be amused at the full stupidity of all the hate groups. (thanks to the military and the dark sense of humor it has given me) People carrying Nazi flags in a country that destroyed the Nazis..... we literally fought a war over this. I don't care who you are what wing nut group you claim to be with I view the KKK, ANTIFA, Aryan Nation, BLM, WP, Black Panthers, all the same, your a hate group, your fascists, and your Evil. Take your crap and go some where else America doesn't need you, we have real problems to fix and your obsession on skin color or SJW issues is hurting this Nation.
CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
CPO (Join to see)
7 y
PO2 Robert Aitchison - PO2 Robert Aitchison - Is there? Both company's disagree with how the end user was going to use their product. Both on their moral points of view and by their company policies, and both covered under free speech and freedom of religion.

Don't misunderstand me the Bakers are idiots too, but involving government was stupid and verbose. People should have just boycotted them and let their prejudice slowly destroy their bakery. Instead they are now hailed as Christians martyrs, and are passively used by these other idiots as a rally cry, and an attack on religious freedom yad yad yad. I think the Government should have stayed out of it 100%. People always pick the emotional argument and not the logical one. Sadly the Logical one will get the same results with out the carnage and hostility. if the Bakers were quietly push out of business because of a consumer boycott for their actions would we still be talking about it?
As for theses fascist A-holes they are finding they have the right to free speech but we also have the right to not listen... or host their insanity as it were. I bet they are going to end up silenced till they can set up their own hosting services and get a redirect.

As an IT that will be amusing as I doubt they will get top tech support and will get hacked daily. I look forward to reading about their woes.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
7 y
CPO (Join to see) - white supremacists are not a protected class, in the jurisdiction with the baker, homosexuality is a protected class. The law is that you cannot discriminate against a protected class.
CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
CPO (Join to see)
7 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - I'm not arguing the semantics of the law I'm saying that in both cases people were and are exercising their right, and the right of their company to refuse service biased on their beliefs and morals convictions. I disagree with the bakers but still say it was a government over reach and discriminates against the protected class of religion. Tell me should the Roman Catholics be force to have Female Priests? I mean that's sex discrimination right? What rules, laws and constitutional rights are you willing to bend / break in this march to the social utopia where everyone is equal so long as they agree and conform to the vocal mass's demands?

I am happy that the Neos have lost their hosting and redirect, I love that people are using their right to NOT provide a service. It is every business choice to not do business, let the consumer decided if that is the correct choice. Not some politician trying to get re-elected.

At the end of the day people need to be reminded that just because everyone has a voice that doesn't mean everyone else must listen or agree with them.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
7 y
CPO (Join to see) - one can exercise their rights all day long, until it violates someone else's rights. The reason for protected classes is due to historical discrimination, and the government established those classes to eliminate that discrimination.

If you support the bakers not being able to sell to same-sex couples, how do you make them sell to interracial couples, or to blacks, or to Muslims, and so on? It's the same argument for each, and it was tossed years ago, only to be revived for homosexuals.
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