Responses: 34
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
PV2 Tong Li - Well I'm a degree holding Criminal Justice Graduate, not a student and have over 40 years full time experience in Law Enforcement, I'm was not studying crime and violence, I was dealing with it first hand. I have taken people into custody for murders and violent crimes, most were not committed with firearms. Those that were committed with firearms the Criminals involved did not have legal possession of the firearm in the majority of the cases. Being a student in no way qualifies You as an expert on any of these subjects esp if Your source of reference isn't valid. That being said, by all means continue Your studies, there is a lot to learn but also that includes separating fact from fiction.
Col Dona Marie Iversen
PV2 Tong Li - Here is a bit of free advise and mentoring.
As a student nurse my grades were good & I was lauded for my 'knowledge' & compassion. Upon graduation, when I started my career in hospitals, I felt extremely inept. Being a college student does not make one an expert, real life hands on, blood, sweat & tears earns you the 'right' to speak! So don't speak to those of us as you know ALL, because trust me you don't.
As a trauma nurse I cared for the victims and criminals , therefore dealt with both sides of the law. Additionally, I have 3 generations of LE/PD in my family that started out as rookies and advanced to prestigious tasks force & units, so my information is 100% factual.
As a student (happy to hear you are advancing your education & wish you much success), yet have the professors educated you that not EVERYTHING you read on the internet is factual?
Suggest, you spend less time on RP, study real life events, network & learn from the brave men & women with boots on the ground before you speak with such conviction based on 'research'.
As a student nurse my grades were good & I was lauded for my 'knowledge' & compassion. Upon graduation, when I started my career in hospitals, I felt extremely inept. Being a college student does not make one an expert, real life hands on, blood, sweat & tears earns you the 'right' to speak! So don't speak to those of us as you know ALL, because trust me you don't.
As a trauma nurse I cared for the victims and criminals , therefore dealt with both sides of the law. Additionally, I have 3 generations of LE/PD in my family that started out as rookies and advanced to prestigious tasks force & units, so my information is 100% factual.
As a student (happy to hear you are advancing your education & wish you much success), yet have the professors educated you that not EVERYTHING you read on the internet is factual?
Suggest, you spend less time on RP, study real life events, network & learn from the brave men & women with boots on the ground before you speak with such conviction based on 'research'.
You mean commies do not own guns?
You are following your orders troll, read and learn. The only stringent cities in this country are ruled by demorats and among them contribute close to 93% of all violent crimes, Chicago, Detroit, DC, Los Angeles and New Orleans. Without these cesspools the US would be among the top 5 safest countries.
As long as you quote from npr or Huff Post there is no credibility to what you say, there is also the matter of your several names already used in RP-Useful fools cannot fool, they just repeat their marching orders.
You are following your orders troll, read and learn. The only stringent cities in this country are ruled by demorats and among them contribute close to 93% of all violent crimes, Chicago, Detroit, DC, Los Angeles and New Orleans. Without these cesspools the US would be among the top 5 safest countries.
As long as you quote from npr or Huff Post there is no credibility to what you say, there is also the matter of your several names already used in RP-Useful fools cannot fool, they just repeat their marching orders.
PV2 Tong Li
Statistically wrong. Without Chicago, DC, etc. the US would still have one of the highest murder rates in the world.

Mike Huckabee says if you cut out just four states, U.S. gun-homicide rate drops to Belgium's...
In a recent Facebook post, former Arkansas Republican Gov. Mike Huckabee used an unusual computation to play down the extent of firearm-related homicides in the United States.
Alan K.
PV2 Tong Li - Just a little tip.....If you want any credibility at all on RP, don't cite sites that we all for the most part figure them out.
CW3 Harvey K.
PV2 Tong Li - "Without Chicago, DC [the CITY of Washington, DC], etc. the US would still have one of the highest murder rates in the world."
That muddles cities and states. Huckabee was wrong in using state homicide rates, while you (ironically) correctly suggest the removal of high city murder rates in "hot-spots" would lower the national homicide per-capita rate.
That muddles cities and states. Huckabee was wrong in using state homicide rates, while you (ironically) correctly suggest the removal of high city murder rates in "hot-spots" would lower the national homicide per-capita rate.
In light of the fact that there are ~ 14,000,000 CCWs issued in this country, and an uncounted number of citizens legally open carrying without a permit, plus others who carry concealed in "constitutional carry" states without a permit, and the calculated guess that many who own guns use them strictly for hunting or target competition, and do not carry for self-defense, I see that "study" as a load of BS.
I suppose it was done by interview, over the phone, most likely. My response to such a question as "Do you own any guns?" by a stranger conducting a survey would be a shocked "You mean REAL guns!!?? Good Lord, NO!!"
I suppose it was done by interview, over the phone, most likely. My response to such a question as "Do you own any guns?" by a stranger conducting a survey would be a shocked "You mean REAL guns!!?? Good Lord, NO!!"
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