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Responses: 5
LTC David Brown
None of the press keeps track of Harris’s lies. Amazing
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
6 d
Harris and Walz should be required to declare as campaign contributions stories ABC and now NBC print and put out over the air.
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MSG Stan Hutchison
Just wondering what debate you watched. It certainly was not the one last week.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
6 d
We all know that you don't agree. Why? We can only guess. However, not even the vast difference in the numbers of people supporting your point of view and others on RP supporting the opposite will give you pause to wonder. You simply keep your head down and push on. You remind me very much of my father and, trust me, that is not a compliment.
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Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
CPT Jack Durish Maybe there are some intelligent defenders of Mrs Emhoff who can present cogent arguments for her first successful election to a national office. Given the past history of her most vocal advocates on RP, I doubt we will hear from them. But maybe unicorns do exist.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
6 d
SPC Kevin Ford - It's funny how we are treated to our betters constantly instructing us on proper behavior. Take for example the topic of equity. It's obvious that most on both sides debating equity have little to no understanding of it. Allow me to share one of my favorite equitable principles: They who seek equity must do equity. In the instant case, SPC Ford wants us to use Mrs Emhoff's proper name. What's wrong with Mrs Emhoff? Why can't she show such respect to President Trump? I loved the opening of the debate when she marched across the stage to shake President Trump's hand and then mounted her podium to give marching instructions to the debate "moderators." Go back and listen to her opening statement, then tell me where is the respect in that. And where is the respect from the moderators who were supposed to be "fair and impartial"?
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
6 d
CPT Jack Durish - If you called my wife Mr Ford, you would get a quick correction. After all, an honest mistake. If you did so knowing that wasn't her name, her correction would be ... strong ... for the level of disrespect you knowingly are showing her.

You stated, "Go back and listen to her opening statement, then tell me where is the respect in that." Here is the transcript and her opening comments. Where in her opening comments or initial statement did she attack trump personally? Harris attacks his policy but not him. The closest I can find is, "My opponent, on the other hand, his plan is to do what he has done before, which is to provide a tax cut for billionaires and big corporations, " but that is a policy criticism.

The personal attacks didn't start until Trump did his reply and started attacking immigrants and she then called him out on his racism. But before he started the racist nonsense, it was policy.


As far as the moderators being biased they let Trump get the last word in on every exchange, even though that was against debate rules. About the only way I can see the moderators being biased against Trump was by turning on his mic and letting him talk and keep digging.
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
5 d
CPT Jack Durish marching instructions? Please enlighten everyone who didn’t hear anything close to that. And that’s everyone who watched the debate
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
5 d
SPC Kevin Ford they didn’t as a rule cut him off when they should have. They also addressed him as “president” trump when he no longer holds that position
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