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Responses: 4
SFC Casey O'Mally
Well, if you want to boot her from office for what people who support her say about her......

Let's look at some of the things Trump supporters have said.

Or MTG supporters, Boebert supporters, McConnell supporters, DeSantis supporters, Youngkin supporters, Johnson supporters...

Or, of course, AOC, Omar, Pelosi, Waters, Harris, Biden, Hochul, Newsome, Bush.....

I mean, if we just take their supporters word for who they are, regardless of whether the politician has asked for that support or accepted that support, whew. We aren't gonna have a lot of folks left in government.

Both Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar represent philosophies and standpoints which are, IMHO, decidedly anti-American. HOWEVER, they are a direct reflection and representation of their constituencies. They deserve to have their voice heard and represented just as much as you or I. I don't have to LIKE her view - or the view of the people they represent. But I do have to acknowledge such a view exists and is held by a large enough group of people to have a voice on Capitol Hill. And I have to allow that voice to be heard.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
2 mo
Well said.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 mo
Listen to what they say. Thats enough to can them.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
2 mo
SFC (Join to see) no, it's not. I refer you back to my final paragraph.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
Omar is on record speaking against the United States many times. She should have been impeached long ago.
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MSG Stan Hutchison
Gene, if she meets the Constitutional requirements and the people elect her, then she has to right to serve.
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
2 mo
She really is not for the US. It is so evident. Besides that, her credibility is shot, in my view. Her marriage certainly is something to consider.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
2 mo
PO1 H Gene Lawrence - All what you say may be true. But she cannot be fired for that. As you know, it would take an expulsion by Congress to unseat her. That would open a huge can of worms.
US Constitution
Article 1 – The Legislative Branch
Section 5 – Membership, Rules, Journals, Adjournment

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for
disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two-thirds, expel a Member.
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
2 mo
MSG Stan Hutchison - thank you for the info.
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