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Responses: 16
MSgt James Mullis
Edited 7 y ago
While the article is fake, the risks that Sharia Law pose to Western society are not. Sharia Law...Returning the world to the Middle Ages one neighborhood, than one country at a time!
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
7 y
MSgt James Mullis I fail to see how Sharia Law poses a threat. You and I could as part of a contract agree to settles all disputes with binding arbitration, a game of darts, or a coin toss. As long the resolution does not involve an illegal act, whatever method od conflict resolution we agree to is how our dispute is going to be settled, regardless of how a federal or state court would have settled it. It is exactly the same as a pre-nuptial agreement settling a divorce dispute. It in no way sets precedent for future court cases.

The case you cite is urban myth.
SGT Complicated
SGT (Join to see)
7 y
no, it is not the same as a prenup granted it's been 10 years since I read the Koran but it is not the same!
MSgt James Mullis
MSgt James Mullis
7 y
Maj John Bell - What case did "I cite" that is an urban myth?
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
7 y
MSgt James Mullis - The 2008 Moroccan man and his 17 year old wife. on the Zwemercenter web site.
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Maj John Bell
For perpetuating baseless fears with absolutely false BS that can be proven to be BS in 30 seconds - One big huge down vote.
SGT Complicated
SGT (Join to see)
7 y
SGT Complicated
SGT (Join to see)
7 y
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
7 y
SGT (Join to see) - If you and I had a civil disagreement, where the expected judgment could be in the Billions of dollars, and we agreed that all disputes would be settled by a coin toss. Regardless of what US law says, as long as nothing illegal is done, our agreement is going to be settled by a coin toss.

The use of Sharia "law" is already permissible in civil cases. It requires the agreement of both parties, and is no different than two parties to a contract agreeing to binding arbitration, no different than a pre-nuptial agreement, which probably never settles divorces the way a divorce court would using a state's divorce law. Both parties are agreeing to keep the case out of a courtroom and to ignore Federal or State law.

No court in the land would side on the case of a Man raping his wife because they are Muslims. Rape is an illegal act. Two parties cannot legally agree to an illegal act, and any such agreement is not binding. The case you cited, never happened. It is urban myth. If you really believe this happened identify the circuit court, the judge, the plaintiff, and the defendant, not with some questionable internet site. Circuit courts run their own web pages. Or find an article by any major news network or news service. There is even a sequel to the myth in which there is a mythical appeal and the original judges decision is overturned, but all of this is reported on squirrely web pages that cannot back up their assertions.
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PO1 Cryptologic Technician Collection
Seriously? You posted this obviously fake garbage without a humor tag or something?
SGT Complicated
SGT (Join to see)
7 y
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