Posted on Apr 2, 2021
Military tension between Russia and Ukraine escalates
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 5
Sounds like Russia wants to reclaim the Ukraine as part of its old holdings brother SSG Robert Mark Odom
SrA John Monette
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth - what are the chances china or north korea would back putin's bid?
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SrA John Monette I wouldn't put it past either one of them to back up Russia.
MAJ Byron Oyler
SrA John Monette - This is odd. Russia does this shit under Obama and Biden presidencies but not Trump. Odd response from Biden when Trump is not kissing his behind...
Yeah. Obama did NOTHING when Russia attacked the Ukraine back in 2014. And Corrupt Creepy Joe wont do anything either.
Allow me to put perspective on the Ukraine. In 2014 pro Russian insurgents in the Ukraine started an insurgency and the Russian military invaded parts of the Ukraine. The insurgents have ethnic ties with Russians. Russian forces generally occupy East and South Ukraine; insurgent strongholds. The US is monitoring this hybrid war as Russia is using conventional forces, insurgents, contractors, special forces, and mercinaries.
Trump delayed funds to the Ukrainen which that country needed to buy ATGMs to counter the many Russian tanks in that war. So yeah, Trump screwed Ukraine as well.
Trump delayed funds to the Ukrainen which that country needed to buy ATGMs to counter the many Russian tanks in that war. So yeah, Trump screwed Ukraine as well.
MAJ Byron Oyler
Trump delayed funds to Ukraine? What services or goods did we buy from them requiring funds to be paid?
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Byron Oyler - It was unilateral military funding to Ukraine. So yes while Russian tanks were running over Ukranian forces who needed ATGMs Trump was dicking around with the funds for Ukraine because he wanted an investigation.
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