Posted on Dec 3, 2020
Mike Pompeo Is Throwing a 900-Person Indoor Holiday Party as COVID-19 Deaths Approach a “9/11...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
Anyone remember when our parents would be like "oh your child has the chicken pox? I'll send mine right over", or when people would have swine flu parties so the virus would hurry up and we'd all get it and be done with it? What about when parents would put us on sleds and tie them to the back bumper of their car in winter or how we would play on marygorounds until we all flew off and puked and no one cared .... because "it was FUN" and "what didnt kill you made you stronger" and "hurry up and everyone get sick at the same time cause who has time for this virus nonsense"???
We're ALL gonna die eventually. It's just HOW we die that scares people.
Evolution= adaptation for survival of the fittest.... I think Darwin was onto something and I for one would appreciate a global factory reset.
We're ALL gonna die eventually. It's just HOW we die that scares people.
Evolution= adaptation for survival of the fittest.... I think Darwin was onto something and I for one would appreciate a global factory reset.
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