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Responses: 10
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
"I have to say a lot of people have been asking this question. No, really. A lot of people come up to me, and they ask me. They say, 'What's 2+2'? And I tell them, look, we know what 2+2 is. We've had almost eight years of the worst kind of math you can imagine. Oh, my God, I can't believe it. Addition and subtraction of the 1s the 2s and the 3s. It's terrible. It's just terrible. Look, if you want to know what 2+2 is, do you want to know what 2+2 is? I'll tell you. First of all the number 2, by the way, I love the number 2. It's probably my favorite number, no it is my favorite number. You know what, it's probably more like the number two but with a lot of zeros behind it. A lot. If I'm being honest, I mean, if I'm being honest. I like a lot of zeros. Except for Marco Rubio, now he's a zero that I don't like. Though, I probably shouldn't say that. He's a nice guy, but he's like, ' [login to see] ,' on and on, like that. He's like a computer! You know what I mean? He's like a computer. I don't know. I mean, you know. So, we have all these numbers, and we can add them and subtract them and add them. TIMES them even. Did you know that? We can times them OR divide them, they don't tell you that, and I'll tell you, no one is better at the order of operations than me. You wouldn't believe it. So, we're gonna be the best on 2+2, believe me." George Takei Impersonating Donald Trump Speeches.
PO3 John Wagner
PO3 John Wagner
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Well when it came to Hilary in my case.."unit one's in trouble and he's scared out of his wits!" 1001001 SOS!
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
The Boston Globe analyzed the announcement speeches of 19 presidential contenders and found that those who keep it simple do best.

The billionaire Donald Trump, for instance, talks to voters in a way that can be understood by a fourth-grader and tops the Republican polls. Retired pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson — a guy who has separated conjoined twins, for crying out loud! — speaks at the sixth-grade level. He ranks No. 2 in many Republican polls.

Former Virginia governor Jim Gilmore, meanwhile, used among the fanciest language in the Republican field, The Globe found. A 10th-grader can comprehend his vocabulary and syntax, and yet he ranks so low in the polls that CNN didn’t invite him the join the undercard debate last month.

In all seriousness, there are many factors that contribute to a candidate’s success. But The Globe analysis is fun to ponder. Experts don’t seem surprised by the results. In the Twitter and soundbite age, candidates need to communicate in short bursts to get our attention. (Trump excels at that: “I’m really rich.” His critics are either “dumb,” “morons” or “losers.”)

Among Democrats, Hillary Clinton’s speeches can be understood by eighth-graders. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ exhortations to rein in Wall Street hit a higher level — high-school sophomores, The Globe’s Matt Viser reports.

The Globe used the so-called Flesch-Kincaid readability test, which analyzes word choice and sentence structure to produce grade-level rankings of speech
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PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO1 Nathan Watts Trump is not popular because of his beliefs or ideas. He is popular because if the RNC upper echelon do not want him, the people think he cannot be all bad.
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PO3 Steven Sherrill - Godwin's law. Good job, you "win."
PO1 Nathan Watts
PO1 Nathan Watts
>1 y
SPC Corbin Sayi - The phrase African American isn't new. Being obtuse about its use isn't new either.
PO1 Nathan Watts
PO1 Nathan Watts
>1 y
PO3 Steven Sherrill - "I've said it before, I will say it again. One good thing I see from a Trump presidency would be the downfall of the U.S. Two Party dominated system of election."
There is merit to your above statement here in my opinion.
My opinion is about the one good thing the Trump Campaign Trail is doing for me - not as a President, but his actual campaigning...
... and that is some of my "friends" are starting to show some true colors I didn't quite realize lingered in them. I'm just quietly sitting on the side, putting names down into little mental columns... "...willing to condone overt racism... check. ...willing to overlook sexism... check and check..."
PO2 Mark Saffell
PO2 Mark Saffell
>1 y
TSgt Dan Sawn Well I have been wrong before and I am sure I will be again in my life time. But to say that the people love Trump just because the RNC doesn't like him is in my opinion wrong. I don't think the RNC liking or disliking matters to anyone. I think the reason people like Trump is because he has thrown the Political Correct handbook in the trash. People are tired of PC BS. BUT the people that love him are so caught up in the Trumpness they have thought things thru. Trump running on the GOP ticket will almost guarantee HRC gets in and may cost the GOP control of the Senate. Don't get me wrong...It will make for a funny show with him going after HRC. But in the long run. 50% of the GOP will stay at home and not vote because they hate him as much as the others love him so in the end. HRC the felon will win and we will be stuck with another idiot that doesn't know her A$$ from a hole in the ground and she will most likely sell the Presidents office to the highest bidders.
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