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Responses: 5
AN Ron Wright
Cause Mayorkas is corrupt as hell and intentionally destroying America from within
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SPC Jeff Daley, PhD
It's his version of smoke and mirrors. Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has faced scrutiny and criticism regarding several assertions he made during congressional hearings and press briefings, as well as instances where he refused to answer specific questions. Examples that have been recorded during congressional sessions is the refusal to answer questions, border crisis acknowledgment, terror plot inquiry and funding concerns.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
13 d
My concern is that the SIV program was considered a good one in which several Afghan immigrants earned their way into this country. As we ran from Afghanistan, to leave it to the Taliban, it would appear they lightened the requirements and vetting process. One of the two Afghan interpreters I had on my team was unable to earn his SIV initially after serving with the Army and refusing to go into an obvious ambush situation alone (and he was right). After coming to my team for a year with me and another with my replacement, he had to continue serving in useful roles for a few more years before my recommendation was considered. I worked with these guys, went out on advisory missions with them, and depended on them to help keep me safe. If either were to suddenly become an ISIS inspired terrorist wannabe, I would be truly shocked.

But both are doing very well, with one even having earned a degree in computer science, got his citizenship, got married, and now owns his own business. The other found good employment, got married, has kids, and also earned his citizenship. I'm proud of them both. Why? Because we sat down and had candid conversations about what my expectations were (hopes really as it's not like I could send them back) for my recommendations. Find a good job (i.e. not McDonalds... or I would hunt them down), don't just congregate with micro versions of Afghanistan, embrace and be a part of the American melting pot, keep getting educated, and don't be a drain on the government resources. Both have followed what I say are expectations, but they were really just my way of giving them the path to success. They did so and earned their citizenships on top of the initial foot in the door I helped them get to come here.
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Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Update - Reports have said this person worked with CIA. Again, I’d like to know more. Who sponsored him and who vetted him. What justified his SIV?
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