Posted on Oct 22, 2017
Mattis Isn’t Even ‘Mad’ About His Real Call Sign | DoDLive
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 26
Rabblerouser. Enjoyed stirring the pot. Get two or more dummies arguing then watch the show.
PO3 John Wagner
PO3 Bob McCord - Over or across? No, I couldn't say so. I saw so much perfectly "unconscious" racism down south that it was strange.
I stopped in one small Georgia town.. I was looking for directions to a place down the road and didn't want to miss it when I got there.
So I ask this gal about it.. just as plain as anything and with no apparent malice in tone or facial expression she says. "Oh, that's a N***** town." It was such a non sequitor to me that I just let it pass and let her get to the directions.
I suppose I ran into a few more guys around truckstops who were like that.
As a rule though it was your CB Rambo types that I amused myself with.
Oh, plenty of them wanted to pull over and have a shoot out.
I pulled over a few times but never had one stop.
Chickenshit big mouths pretty much. Not used to being faced with simple unadulterated courage. Call out a bully and watch him turn into jello. Done that many times.
Usually tell em...face to face.. "Well, go ahead, do what you need to do.. make it count cause you've got one shot at it." Never failed. Never had a punch thrown at me.
I stopped in one small Georgia town.. I was looking for directions to a place down the road and didn't want to miss it when I got there.
So I ask this gal about it.. just as plain as anything and with no apparent malice in tone or facial expression she says. "Oh, that's a N***** town." It was such a non sequitor to me that I just let it pass and let her get to the directions.
I suppose I ran into a few more guys around truckstops who were like that.
As a rule though it was your CB Rambo types that I amused myself with.
Oh, plenty of them wanted to pull over and have a shoot out.
I pulled over a few times but never had one stop.
Chickenshit big mouths pretty much. Not used to being faced with simple unadulterated courage. Call out a bully and watch him turn into jello. Done that many times.
Usually tell em...face to face.. "Well, go ahead, do what you need to do.. make it count cause you've got one shot at it." Never failed. Never had a punch thrown at me.
PO3 John Wagner
PO3 Bob McCord - It is a felony for me to have a firearm in the truck. It is a major felony for me to have a firearm or very bad to even have ammunition when crossing into Canada. I cross many times at a few border ports..
They of course have their standard questions.. (referring to the Canadians in this case.
"Any alcohol or tobacco?"
No alchoohol, my own tobacco.
"Any firearms"
"Any other items for personal protection? Mace pepper spray?"
One night crossing northbound from Dunsieth ND the guy who I "knew" relatively well.
Asked the "any other items" question.
I said "look at this face. No one has offered up any violence to this face in 20 years, I need no other protection."
Getting a Customs officer to laugh out loud is no mein feat.
They of course have their standard questions.. (referring to the Canadians in this case.
"Any alcohol or tobacco?"
No alchoohol, my own tobacco.
"Any firearms"
"Any other items for personal protection? Mace pepper spray?"
One night crossing northbound from Dunsieth ND the guy who I "knew" relatively well.
Asked the "any other items" question.
I said "look at this face. No one has offered up any violence to this face in 20 years, I need no other protection."
Getting a Customs officer to laugh out loud is no mein feat.
PO3 John Wagner
PO3 Bob McCord - Hazmat vehicle. It's a felony to have an unauthorized passenger. I keep my own counsel on that. It's illegal for me to stop to render aid to a motorist unless I can park more than five feet from the fog line. And I am required to have emergency signs out within ten minutes. Still pretty much illegal to stop a hazmat vehicle almost anywhere.
I,can't park within 300 ft of an occupied structure when not in attendance... or off duty.
Many of the rules are imbecilic. Theoretically you may not be sleeping with a load on.
The homeland security act makes it a $25,000 fine for me to carry a butane lighter.
Cigarette lighters or zippo are ok.
The homeland security act was pushed through in a panic without any editing.
No politician in the country dared speak a word against it after 9/11.
The terrorist won the war that day in one fell swoop.
We the people are now terrorized by our own government and are indeed,guilty until proven innocent. The current existing body of laws has paved the way for complete violation of privacy. Illegal search and seizure. Police harassment without any accountability... the list goes on.
I,can't park within 300 ft of an occupied structure when not in attendance... or off duty.
Many of the rules are imbecilic. Theoretically you may not be sleeping with a load on.
The homeland security act makes it a $25,000 fine for me to carry a butane lighter.
Cigarette lighters or zippo are ok.
The homeland security act was pushed through in a panic without any editing.
No politician in the country dared speak a word against it after 9/11.
The terrorist won the war that day in one fell swoop.
We the people are now terrorized by our own government and are indeed,guilty until proven innocent. The current existing body of laws has paved the way for complete violation of privacy. Illegal search and seizure. Police harassment without any accountability... the list goes on.
PO3 John Wagner
PO3 Bob McCord - VA? Do you want a building full of individuals on psychiatric medications and undiagnosed ptsd cases having any possible access to firearms?
Personalized call signs outside of the fighter community came along after I retired from the USAF. Call signs were assigned based on a block of letters assigned to the unit or a dynamically changing tactical call sign list. When I was a pilot training instructor on the Wing Staff, I was assigned "Tweet 41." This was my favorite call sign because the aircraft we flew was nicknamed "The Tweet" or "Tweety Bird". Most of my time flying C-130 or CT-39 we used tactical call signs. They were apparently unremarkable except for "Tug", which I recall the Saberliners often used.
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