Posted on Jan 7, 2016
Marine Corps Ordered to Make Boot Camp Coed, Remove 'Man' from Titles
Edited >1 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 48
COL Mikel J. Burroughs So we're going to say "rifle person", "corp person" "rope person" "camera person"..... I think this is silly and feminism has gone too far. I also realize I'm going to be a bullet catcher for saying this out loud.
1LT Christopher Sorge
Ma'am, sarcasm intended in that last post per the smiley face at the end :). I enjoy laughing at mentally deficient individuals who have no common sense.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
TSgt Lois Bell - Also being Air Force I haven't found any woman that had a problem being called Airman, in fact those I' know object to it being changed. They are still female but like don't seem to have the identity crisis some people that don't know any better think.
Every Marine a rifle-human.
Capt Richard I P.
GySgt John Olson I said that on another related thread.. "gun-bunnies" "grunts" "machinegunners" "trackers" "tankers" "mechs" "loggies" I mean there's a lot here that doesn't need to change, but the ones that have 'man' on the end will sound really weird any other way.
Maybe thats the ticket, we just adapt nicknames for the few remaining MOS's that dont have them and have 'man in them'.
Ricki or Rikki Recon
Maybe thats the ticket, we just adapt nicknames for the few remaining MOS's that dont have them and have 'man in them'.
Ricki or Rikki Recon
Capt Richard I P.
Max uriarte's thoughts:

Terminal Lance - Terminal Lance “New Corps”
I’m not the type to lament the current state of the “New Corps” in favor of the ever-glorious and omnipresent Old Corps.However, if there ever was an eventthat coulddistinctly signify the new, it is the recent news that the Marine Corps will officially be fully integrated and moving toward gender-neutral MOS titles.
CPT John Arnold
Just think Marines in formation will be able to hollar Rah Rah Semper Fi in the near future....
That is the dumbest idea ever. Doing some training activities together would be alright but complete integration of the sexes for bootcamp would degrade the experience for everyone involved and make the Marine Corps weaker overall. I have known several female soldiers who could not do anything for themselves because their male counterparts did everything for them. Also, the possibility for sexual misconduct increases dramatically. Overall, it is just a really, really dumb idea.
MAJ Milton P.
The Army had coed training Companies back in the mid 70's this led to some very interesting situations, both male and female troops resented situations were the female trainees could not or did not have to do parts of the training the male troops were required to do. Yes the guys tented to be protective of the female troops and do things for them, Platoon the female did things for the male trainees while they were out doing some of that training and that platoon developed a cohesiveness the other platoon was ready to kill each other and had no team spirit. and yes it did lead to some sexual conduct but it was mutual on the part of both sexes but still not a desired conduct in training. So it depends on how it is setup, it will take allot of though and planning so the correct Psychological factors are applied to develop cohesiveness and a esprit de corps other wise it will form a rift that could tare the entire corps apart. One you must have a male and female drill per unit on duty at all times, other wise a drill or training officer could be setup by the opposite sex. Example a male officer doing a surprised Health and Welfare 2200 looking for suspected drugs, officer announces him self, male officer on the floor, female suspect drops all clothing and steps out into the bay not knowing a female NCO was with the male drill and male officer, if the female NCO had not been there the trainee could have clammed misconduct on the male staffs part to git out of the drug charge.
1SG Dennis Jones
30 years ago when the Marine Corps integrated Female Marines in the Engineer field the Male Marines did everything for them then
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