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Responses: 52
PO2 Robert W.
There are several problems with this.
First of all when did the officials begin punishing folks for not driving drunk? Sleeping off a night in your car can get you DUI'd wow, there's an incentive to not drive home.
And thank you for your service, but many folks did super awesome stuff that made the world a better place. None of us have nor should have received a pass for unrelated misdeeds.
If you F' up, lock up, take your licks, and then move on. If you are the guy that pulled the trigger, yea you. If you want to stay in the public eye over one deed, then be productive and become a role model and lead.
Otherwise take your potentially drunk self to the VFW and tell your story over and over and over.
Capt Jason Gannon
Capt Jason Gannon
>1 y
PO2 Robert W. - I agree fully with your points Robert White. I think our law enforcement (whom I support whole-heartedly) have bigger issues to deal with than someone opting to sleep it off in the parking lot.
Capt Jason Gannon
Capt Jason Gannon
>1 y
PO3 Chris Scheide - I commented earlier, but hadn't read the story or watched the video. I ASSumed he was parked outside a bar. My apologies!
SGT Stanley Bass
SGT Stanley Bass
>1 y
The key to sleeping it off in your car is do not have your keys in the ignition. If they are in the ignition you are operating your vehicle. Put em in your jacket pocket and use your jacket as a pillow. they are not then in the ignition, and where is the proof you operated the vehicle after or during drinking?
PO1 Timothy Ackal
PO1 Timothy Ackal
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MAJ (Join to see) - Yes indeed. I had those that were intoxicated that decided to be roadside lawyers and despite my efforts to help them they were able to talk themselves into DUI's. I'm sure there may be more to this story than we know.
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SFC Tom Mallon
WOW! After seeing the news article and reading the story, it's amazing to me how many on this forum have already found P.O. O'Neil guilty and are pronouncing sentence. What happened to the America we all fought for where a person is innocent until PROVEN GUILTY IN A COURT OF LAW BY YOUR PEERS ON A JURY? It doesn't matter if P.O. O'Neil is or isn't the man that took out Bin Laden. What does matter is his service. I for one can tell you that he has been serving this great nation as a role model and a leader since leaving the service. He has done a number of projects for the veterans community by helping raise funds for veterans groups both as a guest speaker and spokesperson. I for one am going to keep my judgement to my self as to whether he was "DUI" or not , until he has been found guilty of the charge. Until then He has my respect for his service both on and off the battlefield, in and out of uniform and suggest you all do the same! Hooah?
PO1 Horace Douglas
PO1 Horace Douglas
>1 y
I agree we all a have issues in this life to deal with. He put a chemical in his body probably to try and get some peace from something in his life maybe for a little while. We are all warriors and we have big hearts, and sometimes we choose the wrong way to deal with a problem sometimes. He has done allot of good stuff in his life I’m sure and brought allot of positive energy into this world. To be a Spec Ops person. We are prone to extremes in behavior, like love or hate. Sometimes we go to far. We push the limits so to speak, and step out of the comfort zone constantly. We believe in constant improvement always. We are here on this planet; I believe to live and learn from our mistakes. If you're not taking risks in life you are not living in my opinion really. In my opinion what's bad about this is the media, and us posting it all over the place. Is it really helping this guy? Or us? After, all we are supposed to help each other. Right? Not tearing each other down too the ground when we make a bad decision in life. He made a bad decision and I'm sure if he's a true warrior he will learn from this a not make the same choice in the future. hopefully. Cheers!
SPC Land Combat Electronic Missile System Repairer
SPC (Join to see)
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I agree but you more than anyone should know it's guilty until proven innocent especially in the military. The military is by far the worst that I've seen when it comes to getting accused of something.
SGT(P) Charlie Fisk
SGT(P) Charlie Fisk
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GySgt Ascencion Gomez, D.S.L.
Self medication... seen it before..
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