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Responses: 88
SSG Patricia King
You have already shared a bathroom with transgender women. You simply didn't know it. That's the point. We are just women. We aren't predators. We are in the bathroom for the same reason as any other woman. This fear no goring that folks are spreading is based on false statements and ideas. It's dangerous and thoughtless. Don't shop at target. Don't buy Apple to ducts or use google. Don't shop at Starbucks or live in Washington, Oregon or Colorado. By all means do your best to avoid everywhere that trans women may be. But in the end you will share a restroom with a trans woman and you won't even know it happened because we will pee, wash our hands and leave...just.like.you.
And for those who don't realize it the DOD will end up lifting the transgender ban soon. Many of us already serve in our genuine gender.
SFC Bobby Thompson
SFC Bobby Thompson
9 y
Just because politicians want votes they bend rules and morals to get that next voting block. The people that make these decisions really do not have to deal with the issues them selves. They just make a decision and force it down the American, like they are kings or some thing. How come when BS like this is decided it is not taken by popular vote of the people. I can now see why people go collect guns and move off the grid, because decisions are for them that they do not like or agree with.
SGT Robert George
SGT Robert George
9 y
Why don't we preform some kind of reverse psychology on these weirdo's proclaiming all this stuff is great and then having them complain well that's just too weird ...
SSG(P) Er Nurse Bsn
SSG(P) (Join to see)
9 y
HOAH SSG King!!!
SGM D Rogero
SGM D Rogero
9 y
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Lt Col Commander
We need to be like "Starship Troopers."
SGT Technical Support
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
Capt Jeff S. - With respect, sir, please provide an exact stance why not to "be like hollywierd [sic]" as you put it. Just declairing something bad and assigning it a derogatory name is nothing more than Ad Hominum, and a good argument it is not.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
9 y
Must you have everything spoon fed to you? The last folks we need to take political advice from are the Michael Moore's, Jane Fonda's, Sean Penn's, George Clooney's, Tom Cruise's, Susan Sarandon's, Barbara Streisand's, etc... Social elitist snobs that use their celebrity to advance causes they didn't even have a clue about. The few that speak out, such as Clint Eastwood, Jon Voight, James Wood do so at the expense of their careers. It is no secret that those who wield the power and influence in Hollywood are overwhelmingly Liberal and socialist progressive in their ideology... insofar as it pertains to us and them not having to share the wealth -- at which point they become more conservative LOL.
SGM Retired
SGM (Join to see)
9 y
SSG (Join to see) Have you read the book? Because the movie was quite a bit different than the book.

I think there's some validity in expecting people to pull on an oar before they demand the right to steer the boat. That doesn't have to be military. Perhaps the right to vote should be tied to service, not to age. Volunteering at a hospital, teaching in a rural or inner city school, service in the police, fire department, military, peace corps or something to prove you have a stake in the country before you can vote, might be a good thing.

In any case, if you are looking to Heinlein for a utopian society, I recommend The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. It's a better example of everyone's desire to belong to a free society and self-responsibility that is a requirement for a free society.
SSG(P) Er Nurse Bsn
SSG(P) (Join to see)
9 y
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LTC Psychological Operations Officer
Edited 9 y ago
It's ironic to me that while they are anti transgender in their beliefs, the reasons they cite for wanting these laws is actually to protect from the danger of straight men, not trans women. Trans women identify as women, present themselves in appearance as women, and simply want to use the restroom that matches their identity. An actual transwomen has no interest in exposing themselves to other females or children. That's just an absurd assumption.

So the real threat is not from tran women but rather straight men who want to expose themselves to women or children or attack and rape them. But that is already against the law. Another absurd notion is that people just wakeup one day and say I'm going to be the opposite sex today and go to the womens restroom. That ridiculous notion is based on their ignorant belief that there really is no such thing as a transgender person. That you are whatever the genitals at birth say you are, and anything else is perverted. And that's the basis of the hate.

So all these concerns about safety are simply smokescreens to push the antitransgender agenda. The theoretical attacks cited are not by transgendered people, but straight people. The transgender woman, with or without a sex change operation, simply wants to go to the bathroom and leave unnoticed, just as any other women. There is no increased threat of attack from transgendered people. And there is no increased threat from the real straight perverts either. The restrictive laws do nothing at all to stop those attacks. Does anyone really believe that if a man is prepared to go into a womens restroom and rape someone that they won't because a law says they can't be in the womens room? It already does. And if you are willing to disregard the laws against rape, assault and indecent exposure, does anyone think they will care what the sign on the restroom door says?

These excuses are blatant attempts to continue to discriminate against transgendered people, that's the only real purpose.
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