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Responses: 5
MSG Stan Hutchison
Can't they apply anyway?

I am not sure an armed school is a very good answer. Why not try harder to stop the problem at the source, before the gunman walks into the school?

Also, in Buffalo there was a trained, armed retired police officer. He died on the spot.
LTC Thomas Tennant
LTC Thomas Tennant
>1 y
At the source...I agree...The source of our violence is not holding the perpetrators accountable. When you remove the consequences for these acts you only encourage those who are so inclined. Our nation, our way of governance and life is under attack by the socialists and liberals who hate America and what she stands for. The justice system is broken by the liberal polices in effect and the Soros supported DAs who are not enforcing the laws "as they are written."

The Second Amendment is there for several reasons; chief among them is the right for us to defend ourselves as we see fit. And yes the Buffalo retired police officer did die after unloading his gun center of mass on the perp. At some point he should have tried for head shots.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
LTC Thomas Tennant - How do you hold a perpetrator accountable when they are dead?
This problem cannot be solved by law enforcement alone. It cannot be solved by more guns.
These are mental health issues, societal issues, and easy access to firearms.
Thank you.
LTC Thomas Tennant
LTC Thomas Tennant
>1 y
First of all...access to firearms are not that easy. Here in KY we have to go thru the normal background checks. I do agree that mental health support is an issue, but you can point to the liberal policies that cut that support in half over the years since 1970's and the Carter administration. As to societal issues, again look to the liberal polices stating as far back as the 1950s that has given us the welfare system, encouraged single mom families, and basically eroded our foundational values. Finally, 2+1 does hold the perpetrator accountable....it is the ultimate accountability statement. it also mitigates the human loss of this individual's actions.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
LTC Thomas Tennant - Not easy? An 18 year old in Uvalde, TX bought his easy enough. We know the results of that.
The shooter killing himself (which you label as accountability) does absolutely nothing to curb these actions.
And other that that, you posted the same old claptrap the conservatives have been spouting for years; if it is a problem, blame it on the liberals.

By the way, welfare started in 1935, not the 50's.
Now, how about subsidies to big Oil?
Or farm subsidies?

We could go on and on, but I would prefer to stay on 1 topic at a time.

Thank you.
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SrA John Monette
How about we stop making weapons of mass destruction so readily available to anyone who wants one?
LTC Thomas Tennant
LTC Thomas Tennant
>1 y
I really should encourage you to rethink your question, but the Second Amendment is there for several reasons; chief among them is the right for us to defend ourselves as we see fit. But the AF really doesn't train marksmanship so I can not fault you for your mistaken belief.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
LTC Thomas Tennant - Please, just what does the AF have to do with this discussion?
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
>1 y
Colonel, you obviously have been blinded by your right-wing bias. The Air Force, just like every other service, trains their personnel in firearms. Some jobs, such as Security Police, carry weapons daily. I was qualified on the M-16, M-9 and M-60. So my belief is not, as you put it, mistaken. As for the 2nd, it clearly states "A well regulated militia". The very first words of the amendment. It is not there for "several reasons".
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MSgt Steve Sweeney
Edited >1 y ago
If a gun is "just a tool", then why is it necessary to engage "trained military veterans"? You can teach anyone to use a tool. Regardless, what kind of pay do you think will go with the job, and how will it compare with exceedingly low teachers salaries? How much more in taxes are you willing to pay to support this program? And what kind of "veterans" do you think will be applying for this job ... considering the low pay and who will be held to account should more children get murdered.

I don't think you are considering the down side of this. So lets say there is a school engaged with "trained military veterans" as security officers... How many per school? And still, they can't be everywhere, and given that a person that would commit the crime are determined, lets say there is another school shooting and kids get hurt or killed. Then what? Who do you think will be set up to take the blame?
LTC Thomas Tennant
LTC Thomas Tennant
>1 y
I think we can learn from our Israeli allies. Unlike us, when they say "never again" they mean it. In the late 1960s a couple of Palestinian gun men went into a school and kill over 100 young children and their teachers. Up until that event both the Palestinians (PLO) and Israel put off limits all schools for any military or armed violence. To the Israeli's credit they did not retaliate. What they did do is train and arm all teachers and posted armed "resource officers" at all main entrances while putting security cameral throughout the schools. Since then, there have been no active shooter events in Israel because the Palestinians know they will be "Mozambique Drilled" (2 center of mass and one in the head). The Israelis do not mess around.
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
>1 y
Instead, the Israelis kill journalists.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
LTC Thomas Tennant - You feel we should have gun laws that mirror Israel's? Like requiring licensing and limiting people to 50 rounds of ammunition?

You may want to take a look at this - https://www.timesofisrael.com/comparing-america-to-israel-on-gun-laws-is-dishonest-and-revealing/
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