I was listening to the Attorney General of the state of Montana on Fox business weekend wrap up. The Keystone XL pipeline would pump the equivalent of 650 rail cars A-day. Democrats and other say follow the science. Yes, we have ruptures here and there from pipelines but we also have runaway trains that can destroy whole towns. We will have railway accidents. You all in the military have always heard your commander or person in charge talk about the risk assessment. Some of the progressive left do not follow the risk assessments because its political and Not common sense.
This may not be your usual railroad derailment. This happened in Canada a few years back and I have not forgotten that oil tank cars wasted this town. Many bodies were never recovered.
I know I have been reminded about the violation of the Laramie treaty on having oil pipelines go through American Indian land. Some American and Canadian Indians don't mind it and actually want to work on the pipeline and earn royalties from it. Just like with caucasians, some are influenced by environmental zealots and some are not. We have tribes on both sides of the issue on this pipeline. Like I mentioned earlier, I have a full blooded native brother-in-law who has a welding company who is willing and able to work on the pipeline and he has a crew ready to work on it. This may not fit the narrative but at least you know I am not making this stuff up.