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Responses: 14
SSG(P) Casualty Operations Ncoic
Well I think it's safe to say that whatever career she had left, along with her credibility, is effectively gone. For those who apologize for/defend Griffin in this, you're either not getting the fact that she is affiliating herself with or supporting ISIS (who seem to love to saw peoples' heads off), or you're just as clueless as Griffin. It's not "art" and it's not humorous.
MSG Dan Castaneda
MSG Dan Castaneda
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - You will never win defending shit like this.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
MSG Dan Castaneda - I never once defended her actions at all. Not once. Show me where I defended it. I didn't. Also I am NOT a liberal. I don't know Jane Fonda and never would I likely ever meet her anyway. (You do know that most of the stuff written about her was debunked by the actual servicemembers who were there right?) No this Memorial Day weekend I finally got to spend time with my mother and got her away from her abusive pos husband for a day. Then I spent time with my niece, nephew and brother's girlfriend and my daughter and then I remembered those from my two deployments who we lost and those who have been lost by the demons they brought home with them in the years since those deployments. Don't pretend for one second that you know me at all. You don't. I could make some wild assumptions about you and your character but I won't.
MSG Dan Castaneda
MSG Dan Castaneda
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - If you don't want people to assume, come onboard and simply call her what she is. Garbage. Straight American Garbage. My weekend was a little slow but productive none the less. I did PT, I cut my lawn, I did PT. I washed my truck, I did more PT. A slow weekend for one of America's Best.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
I don't need to call her anything because you want me to call her a name. You have your opinion. That's fine. I never have been fan of hers and don't get why anyone has been but to each his or her own.
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LTC Jeff Shearer
The problem is she might not have done this with mal intent, only to get a little much needed publicity, however. However, she is not smart enough to know what she did. Either way I will never go see her and yes I have seen her in the past. I thought she was funny but never again.
MSgt Stephen Council
MSgt Stephen Council
>1 y
LTC Jeff Shearer Now that is what I have been advocating for years...voting with your dollar. It is actually the only true vote that I believe we have left. If you disagree with someone's abuse of their bully pulpit, why would you see their movies, television show, comedy act, musical concert, etc.? Do not knowingly put your dollar in their pocket.
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
No she didn't. People did agree that it was over the top but you still had people pointing out if you were offended by this but not by the burning effigies of Obama and all the things done to him, that you're a hypocrite. I saw a lot of comments that were basically "It was over the top but..."
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
>1 y
As I said in another thread, your tit-for-tat response is why the cycle will never end. You're tacitly implying that her actions were slightly more ok because of what happened to Obama 5 years ago. Well, it's not. Not even slightly. But the cycle will go on because people think like this, and won't change. These actions should be condemned, with no hint of partisanship, no implied 'but'. Period.
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