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Responses: 1
CPT Jack Durish
Absolutely fascinating. I am the webmaster for my VFW Post website at VFW5871.org and struggled to find graphics to use on it without violating someone's intellectual property rights. Then I discovered AI generated images. Once you master the proper writing of the prompt that AI uses to generate the graphics, you will enjoy some good results. I also use the website to market the post, to solicit membership, and sell raffle tickets and donations. Last week I came across an ad on Facebook offering a course for just $17 promising to teach me how to make funny video ads assisted by AI. It was cheap enough and I took the plunge. It was the best money I ever spent. Even if you have no need, I recommend you give it a try so that you will have at least an introduction to AI so that you will better understand what the fuss is all about. It's like have a conversation with the smartest person in the world who also has all knowledge at their fingertips.
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